When you are using lambdas in RSpec to assert certain changes of a call, you know this syntax:
expect { playlist.destroy }.to change { Playlist.count }.by(-1)
While you can define multiple assertions through multiple specs, you may not want to do so, e.g. for performance or for the sake of mental overhead.
Multiple expectations on the same subject
RSpec allows chaining expectations simply by using and
expect { playlist.destroy }
.to change { Playlist.count }.by(-1)
.and not_change { Video.count }
The above example will call playlist.destroy
only once, but test both assertions.
When you chain multiple Capybara Show archive.org snapshot matchers using
, Capybara will retry all matchers if any of the matchers fail.
Alternative expectations
In addition to and
, RSpec also offers or
which means that only one condition needs to be satisfied. Example from the docs:
.to eq("green")
.or eq("yellow")
.or eq("red")
See also
Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2018-11-05 10:37)