Project management best practices: Technical debt summary

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Maintaining larger projects makes it more difficult to balance refactoring and upgrade tasks according to its actual value. Consider to create and periodically maintain a summary, which helps you and your team in the decision which refactoring task should be taken next.


Here is an template on how you might categorize your tasks:

Technical debt Estimated Efforts Customer value Customer value explained Developer value Developer value explained
Short title for the task Score from 0-5 Score from 0-5 Explanation Score from 0-5 Explanation


Avoid generic phrases like "reduced future" or "speeds up future development" as explanation since they are true for nearly all tasks.

Side notes

  • Try to avoid adding too small tasks to this sheet (e.g. a tasks that can be done within a few hours) or tasks that are part of a story (e.g. continuing refactoring)
  • It protects yourself from prioritizing less important topics too high (e.g. we must now move from PostgreSQL to SQLite, when having a problem with PostgreSQL in the current story)
  • Using a table for this summary is just an example, you could also use your story board if it works for your team
  • The score 0-5 is just an example, you could also use t-shirt sizes (s, m, l, xl, xxl) or other measure units


Technical debt Estimated Efforts Customer value Customer value explained Developer value Developer value explained
Add continuous integration in Gitlab 4 0 - 5 Dev machines are not blocked on test runs; Code Reviews include test badge; Automatically merge a PR on green tests
Upgrade Rails 5 0 - 5 New Rails features are accessible
Replace slider framework 4 4 New framework supports WCAG Compliance Level; Asset file size could be reduced 2 New slider library has a better API
Add capybara_lockstep 2 0 - 5 Reduce flaky integration tests
Last edit
Florian Leinsinger
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Emanuel to makandra dev (2023-05-10 07:25)