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SASS: Defining linear sizes

Dominik Schöler
March 17, 2017Software engineer at makandra GmbH

Just dumping this in case somebody might need it.

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When you need a CSS value (a padding, margin, height etc) to shrink/grow proportionally with the parent element, you normally use percentage values. However, if you need specific values at two given widths, you need to turn to linear functions Show snapshot . The mixin below gives you just that.

// Call with two desired values at two different widths.
// Returns a calc() expression that will scale proportionally between those two.
// Example:
//   Spacing should be 15px at 320px parent container width, and 80px at 1150px
//   parent container width. => linear-scale(320, 15, 1150, 80)
@function linear-scale($width1, $spacing1, $width2, $spacing2)
    Linear equations:
    $width1 * $relative + $static = $spacing1
    $width2 * $relative + $static = $spacing2

  $relative: ($spacing2 - $spacing1) / ($width2 - $width1)
  $static: $spacing1 - ($width1 * $relative)

  @return calc(#{$relative * 100%} + #{$static * 1px})
Posted by Dominik Schöler to makandra dev (2017-03-17 17:41)