There was an issue with makandra_sidekiq < 0.2 concerning the stopping of Sidekiq.
Sidekiq < 6 has two finishing timeouts
Show snapshot
: one for finishing things itself (A), and one for sidekiqctl
before killing a running Sidekiq instance (B). While USAGE banner of sidekiqctl
advises to have B always greater than A, makandra_sidekiq < 0.2 runs sidekiqctl
without passing a timeout. If the Sidekiq instance is configured with a timeout higher than the default 10s timeout of sidekiqctl
, sidekiqctl
will kill the Sidekiq instance before it was able to requeue its running jobs. As a result, running jobs are canceled and lost! Note that this affects only jobs that run longer than 10 seconds.
makandra_sidekiq 0.2.0 fixes this by reading the configured Sidekiq timeout from config/sidekiq.yml
and respecting it for stopping. This way, Sidekiq has time to requeue its current jobs and quit by itself before it would be killed by sidekiqctl
We suggest that all users of makandra_sidekiq update soon to make sure they do not loose Sidekiq jobs.
Note that "quieting" the Sidekiq instance Show snapshot some time before "stopping" will keep Sidekiq from starting new jobs while processing its current ones. This way, Sidekiq is granted additional time to finish off its current tasks. This is especially useful and simple during deployments Show snapshot .