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How to run a small web server (one-liner)

Arne Hartherz
November 02, 2015Software engineer at makandra GmbH

Sometimes you just want to have a small web server that serves files to test something.

Serve the current directory

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On Ruby 1.9.2+ you can do the following ("." for current directory).

ruby -run -ehttpd . -p8000

Python 2.x offers a similar way.

python -m SimpleHTTPServer 8000 .

This is the same way with Python 3.x

python -m http.server

In both cases your web server is single-threaded and will block when large files are being downloaded from you.

WEBrick also offers a simple way Show snapshot to serve your files via HTTPS:

ruby -r webrick/https -e '
    Port: 8000, DocumentRoot: ".",
    SSLEnable: true, SSLCertName: [%w[CN localhost]]

For solutions in many other languages, see the big list of http static server one-liners Show snapshot .

Running a Rack application

To boot an application that comes with a, simply run


Or, if you have installed Passenger Standalone:

passenger start

For HTTPS, use this snippet:

puma -b ssl://localhost:8000
Posted by Arne Hartherz to makandra dev (2015-11-02 12:20)