Spreewald 0.7.0 brings better email steps, improved test suite

Posted . Visible to the public.
  1. You can now test for Reply-to

Then an e-mail should have been sent with:
From: foo@bar.com
To: bar@baz.com
Reply-To: qux@bam.com
  1. You can now specify the e-mail body after two line breaks

Then an e-mail should have been sent with:
From: foo@bar.com
To: bar@baz.com

Message body goes here!
  1. There are now more tests for e-mail steps

Always be testing.

  1. Test suite can now run individual features

FEATURE=tests/rails-3.2/features/shared/email_steps.feature rake tests:run
  1. Test suite can now test actual multiline steps

Use three single quotes:

Then the following multiline step should succeed:
  Then an email should have been sent with:
    From: from@example.com
    To: to@example.com
Henning Koch
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2013-10-30 14:01)