jQuery.cssHooks – jQuery API

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The $.cssHooks object provides a way to define functions for getting and setting particular CSS values. It can also be used to create new cssHooks for normalizing CSS3 features such as box shadows and gradients.

For example, some versions of Webkit-based browsers require -webkit-border-radius to set the border-radius on an element, while earlier Firefox versions require -moz-border-radius. A css hook can normalize these vendor-prefixed properties to let .css() accept a single, standard property name (border-radius, or with DOM property syntax, borderRadius).

In addition to providing fine-grained control over how specific style properties are handled, $.cssHooks also extends the set of properties available to the .animate() method.

Henning Koch
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra dev (2012-07-19 09:00)