...and how do they compare with cookies? Have look at the MDN page and Unpoly's comparison table. You don't have to understand what a layer context is, we...

...ll talk about Unpoly in a later card Resources Rails Guides - ActionController#cookies Rails Guides - ActionController#session Exercise: Star movies In your MovieDB, implement a feature to star / unstar your...

There is no single place to look up documentation for our stack. This card includes some hints where you can...

...the right HTML elements. Some common ways to do this are: Our compiler() helper Unpoly compilers Custom Elements MutationObserver AngularJS directives React components We recommend using the compiler() helper for...

makandra Curriculum

...when using nested forms When aggregating nested children, always exclude children marked for destruction Unpoly + Nested attributes in Rails: A short overview of different approaches Exercises Showtimes for MovieDB

...local file system? Usage of frontend libraries How can you include a library like Unpoly or Tom Select to your code base? Can we install arbitrary packages from npm? Postprocessing...

...browser. These typically provide functionality like: General support libraries like Lodash Frontend Frameworks like Unpoly Wysiwyg (What You See Is What You Get) HTML editors Datepickers Sliders Tooltips Dialogs ...

...is also the shortcut element.click(). Loading elements after a delay Use custom elements or Unpoly compilers to build a element. It should afford an API like this: This will load...