186 Linux basics [1d]

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Basic commands

Experiment and do something useful with the following commands. You might need to use tldr or Google the command.

Configuration files

Understand what you can do with the following configuration files:

  • ~/.bashrc
  • ~/.ssh/config
  • ~/.gitconfig

Note that changes to your ~/.bashrc don't affect already opened shells.

Terminal editor

To edit files from within a terminal, you'll need a CLI editor.

# Example with vim

# open the configuration file
vim ~/.bashrc

# navigate to the end of the file,
# press "i" to switch to insert mode
# then type out the line you want to add
export EDITOR=vim

# persist your changes


While you could set $EDITOR locally to a graphical to a editor like gedit, this is not possible for remote shells to our servers.
Getting accustomed to a CLI editor will pay off in the long term.

Terminal shortcuts

Understand what the following shortcuts do in a terminal:

File ownership

Understand access rights and ownership of files:

  • What does "ownership" mean for files?
  • Each file has 9 flags, 3 read, 3 write, and 3 executable flags. What do they mean?
  • Write a simple bash script that prints a message. How can you execute it?
  • Write the same script in Ruby. What do you have to do to just call it from the command line without using the ruby command directly? Learn about the "shebang".
Henning Koch
Last edit
Paul Demel
Source code in this card is licensed under the MIT License.
Posted by Henning Koch to makandra Curriculum (2015-07-08 17:52)