This method will remove automatically installed packages that no other packages depend on any more. This, of course...

When you're writing specs for ActiveRecord models that use memoization, a simple #reload will not do: it 'updates on...

We used zeroclipboard.js in some of our projects but now we switched to clipboard.js because it does not rely on...

Closure_tree lets your ActiveRecord models act as nodes in a tree data structure. This promises a few improvements over...

Instantiating ActiveRecord objects comes expensive. To speed up things, you can choose a more direct way to talk to your...

We often use VCR to stub external APIs. Unfortunately VCR can have problems matching requests to recorded cassettes, and these...

If you're trying to start a cloud-init based Ubuntu VM with KVM you will suffer long boot times...

To get your F12 key back for other shortcuts, stop Tilda: killall tilda To prevent Tilda from starting on boot...

makandra dev

Sometimes you might need to nest a git-project inside another git-project. The right strategy is to use submodules...

Ruby's __FILE__ keyword returns the path to the current file. On popular for this are Ruby binaries: #!/usr/bin/env ruby...

For some years Google Chrome has allowed you to add desktop icon for any web page by going to Tools...

Because systemd is the greatest thing ever it's not enough to stop the libvirt service. You need to disable...

So you downloaded a theme for Chrome a while ago and don't remember which one it is?

This is quite an edge case, and appears like a bug in Rails (4.2.6) to me. Update: This is now...

Processes in Linux might be put into Swap ("virtual memory") occasionally. Even parts of a single process might be removed...

When you are working with jQuery selectors and collections, many times you want to know if the collection actually contains...

to create a Gallery that has a name and has_many :images, which in turn have a...

UI sortable helps reordering items with drag 'n drop. It works quite fine. Proven configuration for sorting table rows

fake_stripe spins up a local server that acts like Stripe’s and also serves a fake version of Stripe.js...

ActiveRecord offers an explain method similar to using EXPLAIN SQL statements on the database. However, this approach will explain all...

You will need to look here and find your own device. Look for the "bootable CD" download, which will give...

makandra Operations

To see all jails: fail2ban status Our $JAIL is usually ssh. To see which IPs are banned currently: fail2ban-client...

Create htpasswd entry and print to stdout: $ sudo apt install apache2-utils # Optional $ htpasswd -n $USERNAME New password:

makandra Operations

If you want to perform a failover on another haproxy backend server this is the way you should do it...