Nice tutorial about packaging Ruby bindings to your API in a Ruby gem, with tests using VCR casettes.
For server-to-server requests to the Facebook Graph API you can skip requesting an Oauth token, an...
Yesterday, Rails fixed a security issue (CVE-2014-3514) in Rails 4+. It was possible to use .where...
Microsoft Exchange service administrators can enable Exchange Web Services (EWS) which is a rather accessible XML API for interacting with...
Restmod creates objects that you can use from within Angular to interact with your RESTful API.
DevDocs combines multiple API documentations in a fast, organized, and searchable interface. Pretty awesome project. You can select multiple docs...
Parses URLs of social networks to extract IDs or screen names. It does not get confused by child routes: you...
The debugger gem does not seem to be properly working on Ruby 2. Use byebug instead! Byebug is a simple...
Aruba is an extension to Cucumber that helps integration-testing command line tools. When your tests involve a Rails test...
Warnings like those below may originate from rspec or shoulda-matchers or other gems that have not updated yet to...
SimpleForm is a great approach to simplifying your forms, and it comes with lots of well-defined input types. However...
Splitting a long method into sub methods is easier in instances since it is in classes. Since...
String#indent is not a standard Ruby method. When you use it, be sure to know where this method comes...
Arel is a library that was introduced in Rails 3 for use in constructing SQL queries. Every time you pass...
Ask before leaving an unsaved CKEditor Vanilla JavaScript way, but removes any other onbeforeunload handlers: $(function(){ document.body.onbeforeunload = function() { for(editorName...
At TaskRabbit, we have gone through a few iterations on how we make our app(s). In the beginning, there...
If you get this error while trying to resize an openstack instance: # nova resize fooinstance 16 --poll ==> /var/log/nova/nova-scheduler.log <==
In Ruby, classes and modules are called constants. This card explains how Ruby resolves the meaning of a constant.
If you get a Quota error with OpenStack, it doesn't have to be what it tell. For example, I...
One of many useful techniques when your test suite needs to talk to a remote API.
It is good programming practice to Don't Repeat Yourself (or DRY). In Ruby on Rails we keep our code...
If you need to test interaction with a remote API, check out the VCR gem as an alternative to Webmock...
Since we are migrating from our homegrown mixins.sass and helpers.sass to Compass, here is a list of all the mixins...
This card shows how to upgrade a Rails 2 application from Rails 2.3.8 through every single patch level up to...