
Nice tutorial about packaging Ruby bindings to your API in a Ruby gem, with tests using VCR casettes.

makandra dev

For server-to-server requests to the Facebook Graph API you can skip requesting an Oauth token, an...

Yesterday, Rails fixed a security issue (CVE-2014-3514) in Rails 4+. It was possible to use .where...

Microsoft Exchange service administrators can enable Exchange Web Services (EWS) which is a rather accessible XML API for interacting with...


Restmod creates objects that you can use from within Angular to interact with your RESTful API.


DevDocs combines multiple API documentations in a fast, organized, and searchable interface. Pretty awesome project. You can select multiple docs...

makandra dev

Parses URLs of social networks to extract IDs or screen names. It does not get confused by child routes: you...

makandra dev

The debugger gem does not seem to be properly working on Ruby 2. Use byebug instead! Byebug is a simple...

Aruba is an extension to Cucumber that helps integration-testing command line tools. When your tests involve a Rails test...

Warnings like those below may originate from rspec or shoulda-matchers or other gems that have not updated yet to...

SimpleForm is a great approach to simplifying your forms, and it comes with lots of well-defined input types. However...


Splitting a long method into sub methods is easier in instances since it is in classes. Since...

String#indent is not a standard Ruby method. When you use it, be sure to know where this method comes...


Arel is a library that was introduced in Rails 3 for use in constructing SQL queries. Every time you pass...

Ask before leaving an unsaved CKEditor Vanilla JavaScript way, but removes any other onbeforeunload handlers: $(function(){ document.body.onbeforeunload = function() { for(editorName...

makandra dev

At TaskRabbit, we have gone through a few iterations on how we make our app(s). In the beginning, there...

If you get this error while trying to resize an openstack instance: # nova resize fooinstance 16 --poll ==> /var/log/nova/nova-scheduler.log <==

In Ruby, classes and modules are called constants. This card explains how Ruby resolves the meaning of a constant.

If you get a Quota error with OpenStack, it doesn't have to be what it tell. For example, I...


One of many useful techniques when your test suite needs to talk to a remote API.

It is good programming practice to Don't Repeat Yourself (or DRY). In Ruby on Rails we keep our code...

If you need to test interaction with a remote API, check out the VCR gem as an alternative to Webmock...

makandra dev

Since we are migrating from our homegrown mixins.sass and helpers.sass to Compass, here is a list of all the mixins...

This card shows how to upgrade a Rails 2 application from Rails 2.3.8 through every single patch level up to...