Testing your responses in Rails allows to parse the body depending on the response MIME type with parsed_body.


We will achieve this by creating a block accepting method to optionally create and then lock a .lock File of...

The terraform documentation states the...

...syntax as (grouping mode*. See: Grouping-Results). But this seems not the be the whole...

The change_column method for rails migrations support casting with a custom SQL statement. This allows us to change a...


Container queries enable you to apply styles to an element based on the size of the element's container. If...

makandra dev

If you need a sample video with certain properties for a test you can create one using ffmpeg.

When a nginx reverse proxy complains about upstreams sending too big headers, tweaking the buffers responsibly can help to prevent...

makandra dev

This is a checklist I use to work on issues. For this purpose I extracted several cards related to the...

makandra dev

Rails partials have a lot of "hidden" features and this card describes some non-obvious usages of Rails Partials.

Not all email clients support external images in all situations, e.g. an image within a link. In some cases, a...

Carrierwave's BaseUploader can have some validations that you can use by overriding a certain method, which's expected name...

Since Rails 7 you are able to encrypt database information with Active Record. Using Active Record Encryption will store an...

Sometimes I ran across a GitHub merge request of a gem where it was not completely obvious in which version...


To retrieve only unique combinations of the selected attributes: You can omit rows, where all selected columns are equal with...

Das Standardtool für Monitoring auf AWS ist Cloudwatch. Du hast dir in den AWS Kapiteln Cloudwatch sicherlich schon grundsätzlich angesehen...

Du verstehst was eine Custom Resource ist und warum das nützlich sein kann. Du weißt, was ein Operator ist...

Rails includes milliseconds in Time / DateTime objects when rendering them as JSON: JSON.parse(User.last.to_json)['created_at'] #=> "2001-01-01...

Sometimes, the rails dev server doesn't terminate properly. This can for example happen when the dev server runs in...

If you have for e.g. a Java application which outputs multiline stack traces inside a container running in kubernetes you...

Let's assume that we have a model Movie that registers a callback function when a new instance of Movie...

I recently enjoyed debugging a Cucumber step that tried to be retryable using a patiently block: Then /^"([^"]*)" should( not)? be...

DevOps Curriculum

Mit SQL spricht man mit relationalen Datenbanken. Ziele Verstehe die folgenden SQL Befehle SELECT WHERE ORDER INNER JOIN, LEFT JOIN...

When an object is created / updated, various callbacks are executed in this order: before_validation after_validation before_save

To delete a specific redis-DB you need to use the FLUSHDB-command in combination with the SELECT-command. For...