/home/.../ruby/gems/2.1.0/gems/bundler-1.14.3/lib/bundler/rubygems_ext.rb:45:in `full_gem_path': uninitialized constant Bundler::Plugin::API::Source (NameError) Solution: Upgrade Rubygems beyond 2.6.9...
Sometimes huge refactorings or refactoring of core concepts of your application are necessary for being able to meet new requirements...
Exercise 1: XML On the start page of your Movie DB, show the title of a random movie that is...
Understand how we're dealing with exception notifications. Integrate exception notification into your MovieDB. Use your personal e-mail as...
So you're getting this failure when running bundle install on an older project: Your Gemfile.lock is corrupt. The following...
When testing your command line application with Aruba, you might need to stub out other binaries you don't want...
Rails 5 migration classes look like this now: class CreateUsers < ActiveRecord::Migration[5.0] Mind the [5.0] at the end.
ActiveSupport::Notifications provides an instrumentation API for Ruby. It is used throughout rails to publish instrumentation events that include information...
Promises are the new way™ to express "Do this, and once you're done, do that". In contrast to callbacks...
Resources Rails Guide: Internationalization API Guide to localizing a Rails application Locale-aware helpers in ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper
When dealing with time zones in Rails, there is one key fact to keep in mind: Rails has configurable time...
You can use JavaScript to get or set cookie values on the client. Using the vanilla JavaScript API
To upload a file via AJAX (e.g. from an ) you need to wrap your params in a FormData object.
If you are on a Linux shell and want to open a file with whatever default application is configured for...
To install gems Bundler needs to be able to talk to https://api.rubygems.org. If you are behind a proxy you...
MutationObserver provides developers a way to react to changes in a DOM. Any: insertion, deletion, attribute change – anything. Quickstart: https://...
With "attaching an event handler once" you possibly mean one of these two things: Register a function for an event...
Note This card does not reflect the current state of lazy loading technologies. The native lazy attribute could be used...
While you usually do not need a Content-Type on GET request (which have a blank body), an external API...
Redactor is yet another WYSIWYG editor. It definitely has its weak points, but I want to point out that it...
What is a Cookie? Google it if you do not know. How are cookies transferred between your browser and...
Some tasks in a web application are better not done live when a user request a page, but in the...
Starting with Ruby 1.9, most #each methods can be called without a block, and will return an enumerator. This is...
Method lookup Understand all the terms in How Ruby method lookup works, in particular: include extend singleton class