
When you need test images, instead of using services like lorempixel or placehold.it you may generate test images yourself.

Boot partitions from installations prior to the 16.04 era are terribly small. When you install updates and encounter errors due...

When you have string contents (e.g. a generated binary stream, or data from a remote source) that you want to...

If you want to make a screenshot of a website that works well in print or on a high-DPI...

This cucumber step is useful for testing an image (looking at the src of the image). Then(/^I should see...

TL;DR Use user.update!(remove_avatar: true) to delete attachments outside of forms. This will have the same behavior as...


wrap the text with a span use line-height for the spacing between lines ("margin")

You are not using javascript tests The file is served from a public folder (not via controller) Problem description...

Slides for Henning's talk on Sep 21st 2017. Understanding sync vs. async control flow Talking to synchronous (or "blocking...

makandra dev

Hack to implement an inverted "night mode" theme with a few lines of CSS. Colors in images are preserved.

If you want to ssh into your vagrant box without switching into the project directory and typing vagrant ssh, you...

Sometimes you add Paperclip image styles, sometimes you remove some. In order to only keep the files you actually need...

ImageMagick can automatically crop surrounding transparent pixels from an image: convert input.png -trim +repage output.png


When storing a file with Carrierwave, it is always cached prior to actually storing it (to support form roundtrips).

This is useful if, for example, you want to use a background-image that has to scale with the width...

Some pseudo-elements need to be addressed with vendor prefixes. E.g. ::selection is not supported by Firefox, you need to...

ImageMagick has a command line tool called identify which can read image metadata: >identify -verbose DSC00136.JPG Image: DSC00136.JPG Format: JPEG...


Barby is a great Ruby gem to generate barcodes of all different sorts. It includes support for QR codes via...

Using the dialog command you can launch ASCII-art dialogs from your shell scripts. Check out man dialog for a...

Advanced cucumber features Learn about the following cucumber features: Doc Strings ("multiline strings") Tables Tags Before/after hooks Background Scenario outlines...

If your Carrierwave uploader dynamically generates the filename (e.g. by incorporating a user's name), you must call model.save! after...

Plot graphs in Ruby WebGraphviz renders in your browser via JavaScript (to store the rendered graph, extract the SVG using...

This method will remove automatically installed packages that no other packages depend on any more. This, of course...


This might be relevant for us since we're often managing customer documents in our apps. I played around with...