makandra dev

This cheat sheet...

...aims at providing a quick reference to the most commonly used features in AngularJS.

makandra dev

Gem to show failing specs instantly. Unlike the --fail-fast option it doesn't abort abort on the first failure...

Adobe no longer supports their PDF reader on Linux and the official page does not offer it for download. \

By default, Twitter Bootstrap's print styles include printing links. /* Bootstrap's way of printing URLs */ @media print {

makandra dev

tlmgr is the TeX Live Manager and responsible for the TeX installation on your (Linux) machine. If you're getting...

makandra dev

If you have issues with PDFs, fix them like this: pdftk .pdf output .pdf Background I had an issue where...

Just install the texlive-xetex package: sudo apt-get install texlive-xetex Running integration tests without texlive-xetex will produce...

We upgraded a Rails 2 application to Rails 3.2 and Ruby 2.1, changed the mysql adapter from mysql to mysql2...

If you're using the :header_html option in PDFKit (or the corresponding --header-html option in wkhtmltopdf), and the...

When your system is not running on English, you may sometimes want to run some applications and not use your...

makandra dev

PDFKit converts a web page to a PDF document. It uses a Webkit engine under the hood...

When you have a string containing umlauts which don't behave as expected (are not matched with a regexp, can...

makandra dev

MuPDF is a PDF reader that renders very quickly, yet still correctly. It supports PDF 1.7 and all the fancy...

So you want your Ruby script to install missing gems instead of dying? Take this method: def installing_missing_gems...

If you regularly get ActionView::MissingTemplate exceptions, maybe some bot visits your site requesting silly formats like:

Sometimes you may want to print files from the command line, especially when you have lots of them.

makandra dev

A look at Prawn, PDFKit, and Wicked PDF

makandra dev

To print a colored full-width bar on the bash, use this bash script expression: echo -e '\033[37;44m...

I had a huge MySQL dump that took forever (as in: days) to import, while I actually just wanted to...

In Ruby, classes and modules are called constants. This card explains how Ruby resolves the meaning of a constant.

When you print something from within your .bashrc file you will run into trouble when copying something onto your machine...

Assert rmagick provision ... Gemfile gem 'rmagick', '2.13.2' # at this moment the latest stable version config/initializer/carrierwave.rb require 'carrierwave/processing/rmagick' ... and define a...

When I upgraded from 0.5.4 PDFKit deadlocked or crashed when an ApplicationController::RouteError occured. If this error happens only because...

Ubuntu 12.04 LTS x64, Ruby 1.8.7, Rails 2.13, PDFKit 0.5.4, Phusion Passenger Apache 2 I ran into this, when I...