makandra dev

Feature Queries (Edge 12+): Similar to @media queries, @supports blocks can be scoped to browsers that support a given declaration...

When deploying a Rails application that is using Webpacker and Capistrano, there are a few configuration tweaks that optimize the...

Scroll and touch event listeners tend to be computationally expensive as they are triggered very often. Every time the event...

Learn how to create offline applications with service workers. The amazing power of service workers Writing your first service worker...

makandra dev

Chrome has a built-in utility to check performance and accessibility (and more) of your web app: Lighthouse.

You can do this per environment, e.g. in config/webpack/test.js: const environment = require('./environment') const config = environment.toWebpackConfig() config.devtool = 'none' module.exports = config

If you migrate a Rails application from Sprockets to Webpack(er), you can either transpile your CoffeeScript files to JavaScript...

CSP hat zum Ziel einen Browser-seitigen Mechanismus zu schaffen um einige Angriffe auf Webseiten zu verhindern, hauptsächlich XSS...

"Open-source software (OSS) is great. Anyone can use virtually any open-source code in their projects." Well, it depends...

Here is an ES5 object literal with two string properties and a function property: let user = { firstName: 'Max', lastName: 'Muster...

makandra dev

# Basic HTML example # Javascript API (notable methods and properties) video = document.querySelector('video') video.pause() video.load() // Reset to the beginning and...

Let's say you want to merge the properties of two JavaScript objects: let a = { foo: 1, bar: 2 }

makandra dev

RubyMine has a HTTP Client that can be useful to test web APIs. Just create a .http scratch file an...

Select2 is a fantastic library for advanced dropdown boxes, but it depends on jQuery. Alternatives Tom Select

makandra dev

Select2 comes with AJAX support built in, using jQuery's AJAX methods. ... For remote data sources only, Select2 does not...

makandra dev

If you render markdown from user input, an attacker might be able to use this to inject javascript code into...

When an event listener on a DOM element throws an error, that error will be silenced and not interrupt your...

Speaker today is Henning Koch, Head of Development at makandra. This talk will be in German with English slides.

To make CSS rules dependent on the screen size, we use media queries: @media (max-width: 500px) { // rules for screen...

The linked GitHub repository is a bit like our "dev" cards deck, but groomed from a single person (Josh Branchaud...

When we write a form with date fields, we often use graphical data picker like Rome to get a consistent...

To set a default Node version for new shells, use nvm alias default : nvm alias default 1.2.3

To test that an object was constructed by a given constructor function, use jasmine.any(Klass): describe('plus()', function() { it ('returns...