In case you want to use pry with an older version of Ruby, you can try the following configurations.
You can install rubygems 3.0.8 (released on February 18, 2020) to keep all the Gem::Specification#rubyforge_project deprecation warnings...
You can run bundle install in parallel. This might be helpful for development, where you often install many new gems...
In Active Record you can use named bindings in where-conditions. This helps you to make your code more readable...
With puma you can have concurrent requests. There are two concepts on how Puma can handle two incoming requests: Workers...
Chrome allows you to throttle the Network and the CPU. Both settings are useful to measure the performance of you...
To find an input with the type hidden, you need to specify the type hidden: find_field('Some label', type...
The linked article has a great explanation how to to deal with string encodings in Ruby. Furthermore you can check...
This is a personal post-mortem analysis of a project that was mainly build to provide a REST API to...
PostgreSQL and ActiveRecord have a good support for storing dynamic attributes (hashes) in columns of type JSONB. But sometimes you...
This checklist should help you to check edge cases that are not part of the default Carrierwave configuration.
Install the latest bundler version: gem install bundler Fetching bundler-2.3.5.gem Successfully installed bundler-2.3.5 1 gem installed Update the bundler...
For newer Ubuntu versions we currently need to install the patch level version 1.8.7-p375, otherwise the dev dependencies from...
Rubygems supports a 2FA for your account. Once enabled you need to provide your personal OTP code for every release...
The Ruby standard lib ships with a YAML Parser called Psych. But serializing and deserializing data seems not as obvious...
Rails uses a CSRF token in forms and AJAX requests to verify a user request. Internally it compares the injected...
Normally, Rails handles encryption and signing of cookies, and you don't have to deal with the matter. Should you...
Unicorn allows you to specify the maximum number of workers. In development this could be useful if you use a...
The bin/webpack-dev-server command is not as smart as e.g. rails server, where it shows the proper fix within the error...
Projects with more than one developer should always consider to enforce code review even for small changes to improves the...
This collection contains some useful design resources for developers. Many of them were mentioned in the Refactoring UI tutorials.
You can share a state in Ruby with global variables. Even if you should avoid them whenever possible, for debugging...
git apply allows you to apply a diff onto your HEAD. Most often you can achieve the same result with...
The gem json fails to install for Ruby 2.5 if you use a version equal or below 1.8.3.