Browsers come with a set of built-in elements like or . When we need a new component not covered by...
aws ec2 describe-instances --output text --query 'Reservations[].Instances[?!not_null(Tags[?Key == `aws:autoscaling:groupName`].Value)] | [].[InstanceId]' | xargs -L1...
You can use the Youtube API to get data from youtube. Here are some resources and some things that are...
Rubygems supports a 2FA for your account. Once enabled you need to provide your personal OTP code for every release...
The Ruby standard lib ships with a YAML Parser called Psych. But serializing and deserializing data seems not as obvious...
General hints on the DOM the root of the DOM is document custom elements inherit from HTMLElement. They need a...
TL;DR Most web applications do not require action on this. SameSite=None (old browser default) will continue to work...
Was ist Elastic? Suchmaschine, basierend auf Apache Lucene größtenteils Open-Source einige kommerzielle Features ("Elastic Stack", früher "X-Pack") Zugriffsrechte...
Tod is a gem for working with daytimes. That's a tuple of (hour, minute second) without a day, month...
In Rails, we usually have a mailer setup like this: class MyMailer < ActionMailer::Base def newsletter mail to: 'receiver@host.tld',
Sometimes you might need to do some task in GitLab which would be tedious if you'd have to do...
We forked trusty memoizer to make two changes: Memoized methods now preserve their arity. Previously all memoized methods had an...
See the attached link for a useful overview of modern (and classic) DOM API methods, like matches, contains, append, cssText...
This is a presentation from 2019-01-21. Summary We want to move away from jQuery in future projects
The standard way to abort async code is that your function takes a AbortSignal { signal } property. The caller can use...
When doing Basic Authentication, your browser will send an "Authorization" header. Its value is simply a Base64-encoded representation of...
In ruby you can easily read and write CSVs with the standard CSV library class. On top of this, you...
When upgrading Rails versions -- especially major versions -- you will run into a lot of unique issues, depending on the exact...
When you created a project on the Google API Console which is not being used, you may receive an e...
jQuery's removeClass removes the given class string from an element collection. If you want to remove multiple/unknown classes matching...
Mobile Chrome and Safari support the "web share API" which allow you to use the native share functionality of an...
It is possible to access Rails config (for example secrets) from within your webpack bundles, thanks to rails-erb-loader...
For Sidekiq to be able to retry your jobs it has to be able to catch errors that occur while...
Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) is an attack pattern for websites. A CSRF attack is usually relevant in a...