Sometimes you want to have a time in a given timezone independent from you Rails timezone settings / system timezone. I...
A rough guide how to implement a REST API. The discussion here includes some interesting points as well: Timestamps: ISO8601...
When running an older version of docker-compose you might see the following error: ERROR: Version in "./docker-compose.yml" is unsupported...
Rails supports alert and notice as default flash types. This allows you to use these keys as options in e.g...
In case Ruby does not detected the expected encoding of a file automatically you can specify the known encoding manually...
In Ruby you can communicate between processes with sockets. This might be helpful in tests that validate parallel executions or...
SSHKit 1.9.0 might fail with the following error, when trying to deploy a Rail application. Upgrading the gem to version...
Whenever requires you to set the application attribute in your Capistrano configuration. Otherwise your cronjobs are created multiple times.
Using Ruby 1.8.7 you will not be able to use the maximum versions Rubygems 1.8.30 and Bundler 1.17.3 with https://...
The linked blog post contains some background information about the alt attribute and the figure / figcaption element. It is interesting...
In Rubocop you might notice the cop Style/CaseEquality for e.g. this example: def foo(expected, actual) expected === actual end
Here is a short summary of Cucumber hooks in Ruby taken from Note that the BeforeStep is...
It sometimes happen that a database dump, that would want to insert into your development database, does not match the...
Good reference how to build bootstrap forms with simple_form.
If you want to get the path of a file relative to another, you can use the expand_path method...
This is an extract from the linked article. It shows an approach on how to implement encrypted passwords with the...
In interactive commands, Git allows the user to provide one-letter input with a single key without hitting enter (docs...
When writing some logs to a file, that don't use Ruby's logger utility, it is often useful to...
Here is an example with the --tags option. You need to wrap them inside --cucumber-options option of parallel_cucumber...
Rails middlewares are small code pieces that wrap requests to the application. The first middleware gets passed the request, invokes...
tl;dr Don't forget require 'English' if you use a named global such as $LAST_MATCH_INFO. Otherwise this... is a documentation on how to write better RSpec tests. Note that there are also other approaches like The...
This seems to be obvious, but you can expect Rake tasks to be called in RSpec. it 'deletes all Users...
Using git fixup helps you to speed up appending changes further back in the git history of your feature branch...