When your Cucumber feature needs to browse the page HTML, and you are not sure how to express your query...
When you need to use diff in either some Ruby code or your Rails app, use the differ gem.
When you need to zip up files in Ruby, use zipruby. sudo gem install zipruby You can add existing files...
To offer files for download, use send_file. def download(file) send_file file.path, :disposition => 'attachment' end
Note: If you are currently working with Ruby 1.8.7 or 1.9.3, we recommend to upgrade to Ruby 2.1 first. From...
File.chmod(0604, '/path/to/file') # rw----r-- The leading zero is meaningful.
If you use Selenium and Launchy to open web pages, you might run into an error saying "Your Firefox profile...
We usually generate our commit messages from Pivotal Tracker IDs and titles, like [#15775609] Index view for conflicts
Sometimes you need a file of some size (possibly for testing purposes). On Linux, you can use dd to create...
We are changing our name from Hoptoad to Airbrake. You see, some folks much larger than us reached out and...
Regular expressions can have something called "zero-width look-behind assertions". This means that you want a pattern to be...
Install Ruby from the Ubuntu repository: sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev \ ruby is the meta package. If you...
sudo apt-get install sqlite3 libsqlite3-dev sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby
Ever wondered if there is a reverse for Rails' .each(&:to_s) idiom? Turns out there is… You probably already...
This is somewhat similar to the touch command of Linux: FileUtils.touch 'example.txt', :mtime => Time.now - 2.hours If you omit the :mtime...
If you encounter above mentioned failiure message after installing the ruby-debug gem then you have to explicitly require linecache...
Most web applications contain several examples of state machines, including accounts and subscriptions, invoices, orders, blog posts, and many more...
Yesterday, there was a blog post entitled “What the Hell is Happening to Rails” that stayed at the number one...
I found a nice script on crazylittlehacks and modified it slightly. Put the attachment to /usr/local/bin, chmod +x and run...
Copy the attached Ruby code to config/initializers, or paste it into your IRB console. You can now dump any two...
When running an executable, ALWAYS use bundle exec. In some cases, running executables without bundle exec may work, if the...
Deprecated ways to execute shell code in Ruby This is just a reference for legacy code. For new code, always...
After having written useful scripts into makandra notes for a long time, we’ve now tied them into a powerful...
Since May 2011 we are cutting new gems using Bundler, which is less painful than cutting gems using Jeweler. You...