For clarity and traceability, your commit messages should include the ID and title of the Pivotal Tracker story you're...

makandra dev

Compresses JavaScript.

Thanks to habits engrained by Rails 2’s link_to_remote and remote_form_for, we expect that Rails 3...

Terminus is a Capybara driver where most of the driver functions are implemented in client-side JavaScript. It lets you...

The timepicker addon adds a timepicker to jQuery UI Datepicker, thus the datepicker (jQueryUI) is required for using any of...

If you have several submit elements (inputs or buttons with type="submit") that each cause different things to happen (e.g...

The CSS Emoticons plugin is a simple jQuery plugin (and stylesheet) that allows you to turn any text emoticons on...

Captify is a plugin for jQuery written by Brian Reavis (@brianreavis) to display simple, pretty image captions that appear on...

makandra dev

A jQuery plugin that sets a div or span to show a countdown to a given time

WMD is a simple, lightweight HTML editor for blog comments, forum posts, and basic content management. You can add WMD...

When you need to add a event listener to hundreds of elements, this might slow down the browser. An alternative...

When deploying Rails applications you might have noticed that JS and CSS are not cached by all browsers.

With this plugin, you can create a scalable tooltip by just using a single background image for the tooltip body...

Prototip allows you to easily create both simple and complex tooltips using the Prototype javascript framework. Please note: "Permission to...

This will eventually be integrated into jQuery UI with the multiple: true option, but right now this is the way...

Use this if you want to show or hide part of a form if certain options are selected or boxes...

You can write regular expressions some different ways, e.g. /regex/ and %r{regex}. For examples, look here. Remember that it...

traits.js is a minimal, standards-compliant trait composition library for Javascript.

PaintbrushJS is a lightweight, browser-based image processing library that can apply various visual filters to images within a web...

String manipulation extensions for the Underscore.js javascript library.

makandra dev

Currently not possible as the linked .htc file contains JavaScript which is not explicitly called. The developers are working on...

Compress and obfuscate Javascript code online completely free using this compressor.

In Webkit you can use the HTML5-attribute autofocus: = form.text_field :title, :autofocus => 'autofocus' Here is a jQuery fallback for...':checked')