
This note shows how to merge an ugly feature branch with multiple dirty WIP commits back into the master as...

Append this to your ~/.bashrc: export PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\h\[\033[01;34m\] \w\[\033[31m\]$(__git_ps1 "(%s...

makandra dev

tmp/* storage/* db/*.sqlite3 db/schema.rb db/structure.sql public/system .project .idea/ public/javascripts/all* public/stylesheets/all* public/stylesheets/*.css config/database.yml *~ *#* .#* .DS_Store webrat-*.html

If you would like to checkout the branch groups, you can simply say this in recent versions of Git:

makandra dev

Basic configuration Please keep this config simple. It should be a starting point for new developers learning Git. [user]

makandra dev

This is for people recovering from Subversion. Get an existing from the server for the first time git clone git@example.com...

You are getting when connecting via SSH or deploying with Capistrano (which uses SSH): Too many authentication failures for username...

makandra dev

Gem to provide nice looking urls ("/blog/the-greatest-bug-i-never-fixed"). If you don't need anything too special (like i18n for the urls...


Consent is an access control abstraction layer for ActionController. It lets you restrict access to actions across your application using...


Wrapper from Globalite API to the Rails 2.2 I18n API


I was setting up a Subversion repository one year ago. Of course, I also wanted to have regular backups of...


LaterDude is a small calendar helper with i18n support


theman is a super simple "framework" that uses god/rufus-scheduler to create long running workers that do things at certain times...


Reads Active Record's validations and makes them available to live client side javascript


A Rails FormBuilder with semantically rich and accessible markup.


The ability to update and close Trac tickets associated with a given repo whenever a commit is made to that...


Heroku's architecture enables deployment with nothing but Git. Deployment is fast, simple, and just works – all you do is...


Simplifies plugin testing by creating an isolated Rails environment that simulates its usage in a real application


Central point to collect locale data for use in Ruby on Rails.


HTML sanitizer by the wonko.com guy.


Code smell detector for Ruby


A Rails plugin that delivers a special message to DiggBar users, or runs frame-killer javascript.


Hanna is an RDoc template that scales. It's implemented in Haml, making the sources clean and readable. It's...


Effortless backend interface for Ruby on Rails applications. (Admin scaffold generator.)