ExecJS lets you run JavaScript code from Ruby. It automatically picks the best runtime available to evaluate your JavaScript program...
These methods are available to you: page.driver.browser.switch_to.alert.accept page.driver.browser.switch_to.alert.dismiss page.driver.browser.switch_to.alert.text # the confirmation text Spreewald gives you steps like these:
jQuery as new default Javascript library, streaming response support, attr_accessible with roles, prepared statements, easier migrations.
Detecting if a Javascript is running under Selenium WebDriver is super-painful. It's much easier to detect the current...
Chosen is a JavaScript plugin that makes long, unwieldy select boxes much more user-friendly. It is currently available in...
Under the same origin policy, a web page served from server1.example.com cannot normally connect to or communicate with a server...
Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) is a browser technology specification, which defines ways for a web service to provide interfaces...
The Javascript code below is a rough equivalent to the simple_format helper that ships with Rails: function simpleFormat(str...
Note: While the solution in this card should still work, we prefer another solution now: Hide your Selenium browser window...
In Rails 2, you could use link_to_remote...
...:update => 'id' to automatically replace the content of $('#id').
Free Hoptoad/Airbrake alternative which can capture exceptions from any platform. It comes with a Rails notifier and a RESTful API...
When you double-tap a string of text on an iPhone or iPad a complicated context menu for copying and...
Here are some popular mistakes when using nested forms: You are using fields_for instead of form.fields_for.
You can say: $(element).is(':visible') and $(element).is(':hidden') jQuery considers an element to be visible if it...
When CoffeeScript was added to Rails 3.1 they forgot one very important part, the ability to use it when responding...
geordi, our collection of awesome shell scripts, has been extended by three scripts to help you call RSpec or Cucumber...
This snippet makes links that refer to an anchor (like "...
...") scroll softly to it.\ In this example we only do...
If you manipulate the DOM with JavaScript and your page contains nested elements with position: relative, chances are Internet Explorer...
These steps are now part of Spreewald. Here are some useful examples how to use the attached Cucumber Timecop steps...
Asset pipeline, HTTP streaming, jQuery as default framework, auto-reversable migrations, identity map for ActiveRecord. Ruby 1.8.x support will...
Although regular expression syntax is 99% interchangeable between languages, keep this in mind: By default, the dot character (".") does not...
If you want to play music or sounds from a browser, your choice is to use either Flash or the...
An alert alternative for jQuery that looks good. Apprise is a very simple, fast, attractive, and unobtrusive way to communicate...
We can now plug into every facet of the Rails jQuery UJS adapter, binding to custom events, and even customizing...