Capybara has a global option (Capybara.ignore_hidden_elements) that determines whether Capybara sees or ignores hidden elements.
If you need to debug Analytics tracking, consider using this chrome extension. It will replace the tracking code with a...
Developers these days are spoiled with choice when it comes to selecting an MV* framework for structuring and organizing JavaScript...
A lightweight javascript date library for parsing, manipulating, and formatting dates.
This is a very general introduction to MV* Javascript frameworks. This card won't tell you anything new if you...
turn.js is a plugin for jQuery that adds a beautiful transition similar to real pages in a book or magazine...
You can use text-overflow to truncate a text using CSS but it does not fit fancy requirements.
When using Rails to truncate strings, you may end up with strings that are still too long for their container...
Chrome now supports desktop notifications using WebKit's webkitNotifications API. This means you can create popup bubbles from Javascript.
Most of the JavaScript snippets have code that manipulates the DOM. For that reason dom manipulating javascript code should have...
Twitter's Bootstrap CSS blueprint as a jQuery UI theme. Even if you don't want to use Bootstrap as...
jQuery UI's date picker and date time picker doesn't work on touch interfaces. Solution 1: Use Mobiscroll
Although it's tempting flirt with detecting mobile/touch devices with CSS media queries or Javascript feature detection alone, this approach...
In your Cucumber features you can't really click hidden elements when using Selenium (it does work for a plain...
One of the most common production errors are ActionController::MethodNotAllowed errors. They usually happen when someone reloads a form by...
When you use google analytics to track your visitors interactions, you should ensure that it runs on your production site...
Two new methods on and off are the new way of declaring event handlers. bind, delegate and live area deprecated...
There are several options, but most of them are impractical. The best way is to use the :ruby filter:
After starting the Rails server in a freshly generated Rails 3.1 project you could see an error message such as...
Using the jQuery adapter breaks the built-in save function of CKEditor. Phenomenon: The page is submitted correctly, but the...
If you want to know the exact hits on your website (or whatever logfile you want) for a specific date...
The most common use case for Ruby's #collect is to call a method on each list element and collect...
Single step and slow motion for Cucumber scenarios can come in handy, especially in @javascript scenarios. # features/support/examiners.rb AfterStep('@slow_motion...
When cucumber encounters a failing step in a @javascript feature, the selenium browser window instantly closes. Sometimes you do not...