If you ever need to restore exact records from one database to another, Marshal might come in handy. Marshal.dump is...
The sprintf method has a reference by name format option: sprintf("% d : % f", { :foo => 1, :bar => 2 }) # => 1 : 2.000000
Apply Test Driven Development(TDD) to the process of building container images by defining test before writing code and automate...
While upgrading CarrierWave from version 0.11.x to 3.x, we encountered some very nasty fails. Below are the basic...
Given you have an array column like this: create_table "users", force: :cascade do |t| t.integer "movie_ids", default: [], array...
You don't want sensitive user data in your logs. Background Rails per default filters sensitive data like...
Disclaimer This card is a collection of guides and things to have in mind when upgrading to a specific version...
Besides Plotting graphs in Ruby with Gruff, which comes handy for many uses cases, you sometimes might need configuration for...
Both knapsack and parallel_tests have the option to split groups by historic execution time. The required logs for this...
For my computer science bachelor's thesis I programmed and evaluated a CLI Test Case Prioritization (TCP) tool for makandra...
Newest versions of Chromedriver breaks the user agent for device emulation via device name. In previous versions the user agent...
Note: You won't need this for single lines of text. In this case it is better to just use...
It's quite confusing how many external displays are usable with a MacBook that uses an M1 or M2 Chip...
Git log offers useful options for filtering. This card provides a short overview. By message Only commits that include a...
Intel CPUs receive updates, including security relevant upgrades, through 2 channels: Firmware/UEFI BIOS updates can also update the microcode in...
When you write your next CarrierWave uploader, consider processing your images with libvips instead of ImageMagick. Reasons for libvips
Using querySelector or querySelectorAll in JavaScript, you can easily find descendants of a node that match a given selector.
Splitting up commits makes the process of reviewing often easier, since you can create several merge requests or review every...
It most cases it's not necessary to add a version constraint next to your packages in the package.json. Since...
I recently noticed that better_errors allows you to to open files from within your favorite editor. However it was...
Within Capybara you most certainly use the #check- and #uncheck-method to (un)check checkboxes. But there's one problem...
tl;dr Individual transform properties are great because they allow you to write more readable and maintainable CSS, especially when...
Sidekiq 7 adds a new feature called capsules. Use cases: a chrome queue limited to 1 for e.g. PDF processing...
In Ruby on Rails ActiveRecord::Relation#merge overwrites existing conditions on the same column. This may cause the relation to...