makandra dev

Getting CSS (and JS) live reloading to work in a esbuild / Rails project is a bit of a hassle, but...

Make sure that you use the correct property when editing an HTML attribute. Using innerHTML with unsafe arguments makes your...

Every modern Rails app should have a Content Security Policy enabled. Very compatible default The following "default" is a minimal...

Chromedriver (or selenium-webdriver?) will not reliably scroll elements into view before clicking them, and actually not click the element...

For my computer science bachelor's thesis I programmed and evaluated a CLI Test Case Prioritization (TCP) tool for makandra...

An introduction to mangling When you minify ("compress", "optimize") your JavaScript for production, the names of your functions and variables...

If you want to collapse/expand elements with dynamic content (and thus unknown height), you can not transition between height: 0...

Note: You won't need this for single lines of text. In this case it is better to just use...

Suppose you want to implement a publish/subscribe pattern in your Frontend application to react to data changes and events. First...

Using querySelector or querySelectorAll in JavaScript, you can easily find descendants of a node that match a given selector.

TL;DR Still has caveats. Code splitting is a feature of JavaScript bundlers that can keep huge libraries out of...

makandra dev

As we are slowly switching from Cucumber scenarios to RSpec feature specs, you might be tempted to write assertions like...

When you allow file uploads in your app, a user might upload content that hurts other users. Our primary concern...

tl;dr asdf allows you to manage multiple runtime versions with a single CLI tool and is backwards compatible by...

When you use native smooth scrolling there is no built-in method to detect the end of the scrolling animation...

Let's say we have posts with an attribute title that is mandatory. Our example feature request is to tag...

HTTP header values must only contain low-ASCII (7-bit) characters for safe transport. From RFC 7230: Historically, HTTP has...

To read the current breakpoint tier in JavaScript, employ this CSS: :root { --current-breakpoint-tier: xs; @media (min-width: $screen...

makandra dev

In a Jasmine spec you want to spy on a function that is imported by the code under test. This...

The cards editor has a feature "Cite other card" to create links to other cards in the same deck as...

In esbuild, you usually import other files using relative paths: import './some-related-module' import `../../utils/some-utility-module` import `../../../css/some-css.sass` This is totally fine...

Jasmine specs for the frontend often need some DOM elements to work with. Because creating them is such a common...

Wir arbeiten in einem Umfeld in dem sich fast alles um das Web und HTTP dreht. Wir betreiben Webseiten und...

tl;dr In Chrome DevTools in the Elements tab or in Firefox in the Inspector tab you can right click...