If you need a gem for a certain purpose, be sure to check this site. The rankings are determined by...

In order to navigate through the browser history. you can manipulate the window.history object via javascript like follows:

I got these warnings while deploying a Rails 3.2 app with asset pipeline enabled: *** [err :: host.tld] find: `/opt/www/': No such...

In your ~/.gitconfig: [core] editor=nano

You can change which branches will be pushed when saying git push. Our recommendation is to set it to current...

Geordi, our collection of command line tools, has been extended by another command deploy-to-production. This script encapsulates the...

When you create a new branch and push it to origin, you won't be tracking it. This means a...

The following two hints are taken from Github's Ruby style guide: If your regular expression mentions a lot of...

In some older Capybara versions (e.g. 0.3.9), we're getting lots of deprecations warnings: Selenium::WebDriver::Element#select is deprecated...

Pour color on your Rails console with awesome_print. Turn confusing long strings into formatted output. Have objects and classes...

Install libreadline: sudo apt-get install libreadline-dev Reinstall the ruby and tell rvm where to find readline

If you want to know your public key's fingerprint, do this: ssh-keygen -lf ~/.ssh/ This may be necessary...

When trying to install the gherkin gem, you might encounter an error with the following lines: ERROR: Error installing gherkin...

When branches get deleted on origin, your local repository won't take notice of that. You'll still have your...

makandra dev

This card shows you how to format a card's content using Markdown. We use the Commonmarker interpreter, so here...

Instead of showing you two lines for each change, Git allows you to highlight changes in a line explicitly:

If your project manager wants to do gatekeeping on a project, as a developer you need to follow the following...

If you're responsible for gatekeeping in a projects, here is a guide, what to do. In order to reduce...

We experienced problems with Sunspot and Solr on Tomcat: Umlauts (ä, ö, ü) were not correctly handled on Tomcat while...

You can now add code blocks without indentation, by using triple-backticks: ``` Code block goes here. ```

When deploying code with Capistrano (depending on your configuration) at some point Capistrano tries to check out code from your...

To access files from another branch or past commit without doing a complete checkout, you can either use

Sometimes it might be helpful to have a version history for a gem, e.g. when you want to see if...

makandra dev

If your git index for some reason becomes invalid, no need to worry. Your index is corrupt when you see...