makandra dev

Richard Powell presents a collection of CSS styling advice that's mainly taken from SMACSS. Although at makandra we're...

You're using exception_notification and want to send exception mails within a model. Here's how. The ExceptionNotifier class...

There is no reason to leave trailing whitespace characters in your project's files, so don't add any.

Given you store files on Amazon S3 and you need to stream those files out to people while you don...

Ever wanted autocompletion for paths from paths.rb in Cucumber? This card lets you write your steps like this:

If you type a command in your bash that doesn't exist you get this: bash: foo: command not found...

Keychain helps you to manage ssh and GPG keys in a convenient and secure manner. It acts as a frontend...

We frequently use the handy Paperclip Gem to manage file attachments. If you need to move the files from local...

makandra dev

This article describes how to reset MySQL's or MariaDB's root password on your workstation. It's meant for...

sudo apt-get install gnome-session-fallback or (alias) sudo apt-get install gnome-panel from a terminal.

makandra dev

ReText is a cross-platform WYSIWYG-ish Markdown editor. Toggle editor and preview layout with Ctrl+E.\

makandra dev

Consul 0.4.0 comes with some new features. Dependencies Consul no longer requires assignable_values, it's optional for when you...

In a nutshell: Use git rebase --onto target-branch source-commit target-branch means "branch you want to be based...

Sometimes, you may want to open up a second database connection, to a read slave or another database. When doing...

This will make MySQL log all received queries so you can see for yourself what happens on the database level...

I highly recommend that you make use of RubyMine's feature to pin tabs. When you pin all "important" files...

Applications often show or hide elements based on viewport dimensions, or may have components that behave differently (like mobile vs...

In moderately complex authorization scenarios you will often find yourself writing a map like this: class NotesController < ApplicationController power :notes...

CSS is a lot easier to write and read than clumsy XPath expressions. So when you need to use XPath...

Consider this HTML: Click me! Hello Universe! Hello Universe! Hello Universe! Hello Universe! Hello Universe! Hello Universe!

Why string sorting sucks in vanilla Ruby Ruby's sort method doesn't work as expected with special characters (like...

makandra dev

Promises unified window for all chat conversations, better call quality. Upgrade seems to work fine. If you installed your old...

If you are using VNC to run Selenium tests, it may be hard to see what's going on since...

makandra dev

Geoffrey Grosenbach has created Gruff for easily plotting graphs. It is written in pure Ruby and integrates with Rails applications...