When a controller action redirects to an external URL (like http://somehost.com/some/path) you will find that this is hard...
Great presentation about writing Javascript like you write everything else: Well-structured and tested. JavaScript is no longer a toy...
Chart.js seems to be a good alternative to Google's Chart API and other commercial chart drawing libraries.
Don't Google this, you will lose all will to live. Instead use Object#isEqual() from Lodash or Underscore.js:
If you open a pop-up window [1] in your Selenium tests and you want to close it, you can...
JavaScripts and CSS should be minified for production use. In Rails 3.1+ the asset pipeline will take care of this...
If you need to capture signatures on an IPad or similar device, you can use Thomas J Bradley's excellent...
A tooltip library that does not use Javascript. Works in IE9+. This library (or the technique used by it) could...
January has been a very bad month for Ruby on Rails developers, with two high-severity security bugs permitting remote...
Spreewald now comes with a step that tests if a form field is visible: Then the "Due date" field should...
The attached article outlines considerations when choosing client-side vs. server-side implementations of the Google Geocoding APIs (geocoder, directions...
So you want to find out how many horizontal pixels you have available on a mobile device. This is super...
Tracekit is a JavaScript library that automatically normalizes and exposes stack traces for unhandled exceptions across the 5 major browsers...
The basic idea is pretty simple: an element's height is accessible via the offsetHeight property, its drawn height via...
This works in all relevant browsers: document.activeElement You can use this in your Selenium steps, for example, to assert that...
Selenium cannot reliably control a browser when its window is not in focus, or when you accidentally interact with the...
Capybara gives you two different methods for executing Javascript: page.evaluate_script("$('input').focus()") page.execute_script("$('input').focus()")
JavaScript engines such as Google’s V8 (Chrome, Node) are specifically designed for the fast execution of large JavaScript applications...
Generally, Selenium tests use the browser to interact with the page. If it's unavailable, a timeout error is...
If you're using the Capybara webdriver, steps sometimes fail because the browser hasn't finished loading the next page...
Shows how to implement an animated progress bar in pure CSS, without animated GIFs, Javascript or Flash.
Makes a robust determination of a user's timezone through Javascript.
Richard Powell presents a collection of CSS styling advice that's mainly taken from SMACSS. Although at makandra we're...
Turbolinks makes following links in your web application faster. Instead of letting the browser recompile the JavaScript and CSS between...