Liquid Canvas is a JavaScript library which allows you to draw inside an HTML canvas element with an easy yet...
Sometimes you need to dynamically load an image and do something as soon as its loaded (when for example its...
The shell variable PS1 holds your bash prompt. You might want to change it to serve your needs best. Here...
Paperclip uses the imagemagick resize options like 100x50> , 100x50<, 100x50# etc to resize images. See the link what options are...
When you need to bulk rename files you can not call "mv *.foo *.bar" to change the extension of all...
When you use the send_file method to send a local file to the browser, you can save resources on...
A good tool to generate strong passwords and secrets is "apg". You can get it with sudo apt-get install...
You need to install the following packages before you can build the Paperclip gem: sudo apt-get install imagemagick librmagick...
When using virtual attributes, the attached trait can be useful to automatically copy errors from one attribute to another.
When Paperclip attachments should only be downloadable for selected users, there are three ways to go. The same applies to...
In july Google announced a new version of their image serach tool Google Images. But you won't find it...
Captify is a plugin for jQuery written by Brian Reavis (@brianreavis) to display simple, pretty image captions that appear on...
The box shadows created rendered in IE by CSS3PIE look darker and are blurred differently than in browsers that render...
Sometimes files attain executable-flags that they do not need, e.g. when your Windows VM copies them over a Samba...
With this plugin, you can create a scalable tooltip by just using a single background image for the tooltip body...
You can write regular expressions some different ways, e.g. /regex/ and %r{regex}. For examples, look here. Remember that it...
So you screwed up and copied Paperclip secrets from one project to another. Here is a semi-automatic, painful way...
The following Sass will do it: hr color: #ddd background-color: #ddd border: none height: 1px
PaintbrushJS is a lightweight, browser-based image processing library that can apply various visual filters to images within a web...
validates_attachment_content_type :image, :content_type => /^image\/(jpg|jpeg|pjpeg|png|x-png|gif)$/, :message => 'file type is not...
Some browsers render PNG images with color profiles and other shenanigans, some don't. The cleanest way to have consistent...
When a paperclip attachment gains a new style and you have many attachments, reprocessing can take ages. This is because...
has_attached_file( :avatar, :styles => { :large => "300x300", :small => "100x100" }, :convert_options => { all => "-colorspace RGB" } )
script/runner -e development 'Article.all.each { |a| a.image.reprocess! if a.image.exists? }; "done"'