makandra dev

Examples how to create dozens of shapes using pure CSS and a single HTML element.

A jQuery audio player plugin that is responsive and touch-friendly. The UI is css-only, no images used.

Harry Roberts, a youngster from the UK, wrote a comprehensive article telling you how to smell CSS rot early.

David Walsh from Mozilla shows how to fire 'DOM changed' events from CSS. No need for JS to observe DOM...

navy 0.5.1+ gives empty navigation containers a CSS class .navy-empty which you can hide via .navy-navigation &.navy-empty...

Xfce gives you a million options to configure your panels. Together with Xfce's sometimes arcane configuration UI, this can...

The classical scenario: There's a parent div element and you want to center some arbitrary child element vertically inside...

makandra dev

Ever wanted to preview a pattern from Subtle Patterns on your site without the hassle of swapping out images and...

Icon fonts like Font Awesome are infinitely scalable, look great on high-DPI displays and will give your app a...

You can use scheme-less URLs (or protocol-relative URLs) to have browsers use the current protocol (HTTP or HTTPS...

makandra dev

Shows how to implement an animated progress bar in pure CSS, without animated GIFs, Javascript or Flash.

Browser rendering engines are very slow at rendering large box shadows. I had a situation where a complex layout with...

Why is this useful? You can have a background image on the same element, overlaying it with a transparent gradient...

When is this useful? When both parent and child elements have borders, with this technique you don't get two...

makandra dev

Richard Powell presents a collection of CSS styling advice that's mainly taken from SMACSS. Although at makandra we're...

makandra dev

Turbolinks makes following links in your web application faster. Instead of letting the browser recompile the JavaScript and CSS between...

makandra dev

CSS transitions make your responsive websites smoother and more professional. It's easy and already there. Use it!

Note: Modern Rails has two build pipelines, the asset pipeline (or "Sprockets") and Webpacker. The principles below apply for both...

A print stylesheet is easy to create. Choose a font suited for paper, hide some elements, done. Unfortunately print stylesheets...

There are many fun Unicode characters like ▲ or ☯. You might be tempted to use them for graphical elements in lieu...

Nice list of icon sets that come in the form of fonts. I recommend Font Awesome.

If you encounter a Firefox that does not care about your font settings but always uses specific fonts, you can...

Internet Explorer until version 9 has some limitations when parsing CSS files Summarized, these are: Up to 31 CSS files...

By default, only application.js, application.css and all non-JS/CSS files are precompiled into public/assets. If you have asset manifests...