When you find yourself constantly ignoring a RubyMine warning, you can simple disable that warning and de-clutter your editor...
You might have some trouble running a Rails LTS 2 app with MySQL 5.7. If you don't want to...
The httpclient gem comes with a custom SSL cert store. While an customizable, application-level cert store is great when...
You need to update a lof gems. Make sure you don't have any version constraints in your...
Your default postgres user is named like your linux user. That default user has limited access privileges, which can cause...
Use bundler > 1.15 to fix Gem::LOADED_SPECS_MUTEX (NameError). Given the following project: ruby -v ruby 1.8.7
When installing gems, a lot of time is spent building locally installed documentation that you probably never use.
Katapult 0.3.0 brings Rails 5 and Ruby 2.5 support with a new design, plus a ton of smaller features, fixes...
Enumerable#all? returns true for an empty collection. This totally makes sense but you have to think about it when...
This article will show you how to use throw and catch. It's a nice tool to break out of...
Rails applications and ruby gems should have a README that gives the reader a quick overview of the project. Its...
When writing XLSX files, there are gems like rubyXL or axlsx. While they do offer features like formatting or graphs...
PostgreSQL supports the SQL OVERLAPS operator. You can use it to test if two date ranges overlap: => SELECT ('2001-02...
Summary: Don't add chromedriver-helper to the Gemfile the executables might break your tests in projects where chromedriver-helper...
A common pattern in Ruby is to to require all files in a specific diretory, using something like Dir.glob(Rails.root.join...
Checking if a JavaScript value is of a given type can be very confusing: There are two operators typeof and...
An end-to-end test (E2E test) is a script that remote-controls a web browser with tools like Selenium...
Slides for Henning's talk on Sep 21st 2017. Understanding sync vs. async control flow Talking to synchronous (or "blocking...
Download the dictionary from http://www.winedt.org/dict.html, e.g. http://www.winedt.org/dict/de_neu.zip unzip de_neu.zip mkdir ~/Documents/dic iconv -f UTF-16 -t...
TL;DR: Bundler 2.0 will rename Gemfile to gems.rb and Gemfile.lock to gems.locked (sic). The old filenames will be supported...
RSpec allows defining methods inside describe/context blocks which will only exist inside them. However, classes (or any constants, for that...
There are several gems that make it easy to read and process xlsx files. Parsing the entire file at once...
Use return to return from a method. return accepts a value that will be the return value of the...
I frequently find myself needing a combination of group_by, count and sort for quick statistics. Here's a method...