Until recently, you could open a new tab via window.open when using execute_script in Selenium tests. It no longer...

Regular expressions in Javascript are represented by a RegExp object. There also is a regex literal as in many other...

makandra dev

Note This card does not reflect the current state of lazy loading technologies. The native lazy attribute could be used...

While you usually do not need a Content-Type on GET request (which have a blank body), an external API...

You can say this in Javascript: $.fn.jquery => "1.11.1"

Our applications not only need to be functional, they need to be fast. But, to quote Donald Knuth, premature optimization...

What is a Cookie? Google it if you do not know. How are cookies transferred between your browser and...

The asset pipeline is one of Rails' two mechanisms how stylesheets, javascripts and images from your /assets folder are processed...

To safely transport an arbitrary string within a URL, you need to percent-encode characters that have a particular meaning...

As the web is being used for more and more tasks, expectations rise. Not only should web pages offer rich...

makandra Curriculum

Understand how nested attributes appear in the params. See how the Rails form helpers encode the names of nested...

You have the following HTML structure:

If you want to run Javascript code whenever someone clicks on a ...

..., you...

makandra dev

Moved from Less to Sass. Bootstrap now compiles faster than ever thanks to Libsass, and we join...

We use Selenium WebDriver integrated with Cucumber/Capybara for full-stack integration testing. Try and use it Your forked MovieDB should...


Unfortunately, Web APIs haven’t provided the functionality to copy text to the clipboard through JavaScript, which is why visiting...

Understand how asynchronous JavaScript works: Read Henning's presentation about asynchronous Javascript (there's also a German video presentation...

In a web application you often need to move data between the client (HTML, Javascript) and the server (Ruby, Rails...

Exercise 1: Maps In MovieDB, add a new field “Principal filming location”. In a movie’s show view, geocode that...

You can include files from app/assets or from the public folder with javascript_include_tag. The subtle difference that tells...

There is no single place to look up documentation for our stack. This card includes some hints where you can...

makandra dev

Free Bootstrap theme resembling Material Design. Bootswatch offers Sass and Less files, so the theme can easily be integrated into...

Web security basics Einführung in die Web Security 🇩🇪 provides essentials for the topic of this card. Read following chapters:

Stepping forward from JavaScript Basics, the goal of this card is for you to be able to read and write...

A common task in web applications is to add client-side JavaScript behavior to existing HTML elements.