makandra dev

The information in this card is only relevant for Rails 2.3-era apps. This note gives a quick introduction into...

makandra dev

Liquid Canvas is a JavaScript library which allows you to draw inside an HTML canvas element with an easy yet...

Specify these gem versions in your Gemfile: gem 'cucumber', '~> 1.3.0' gem 'cucumber-rails', '= 0.3.2' # max version for Rails 2

When you click a link or a press a button on a Selenium-controlled browser, the call will return control...

"Wallaby" is the codename for an experimental technology that converts the artwork and animation contained in Adobe® Flash® Professional (FLA...

If you have content inside a page that is hidden by CSS, the following will work with Selenium, but not...

makandra dev

If you use a form (or form fields) multiple times inside one view, Rails will generate the same id attributes...

Flash movies (.swf files) can talk with Javascript code embedded in the same HTML page. There are two ways to...

makandra dev

Sometimes you want to run a command forever, e.g. to compile a haml to html file on the console. Use...

makandra dev

Javascript that implements client-side hyphenation of HTML-Documents.

You know Firebug as a Firefox extension but there is also a "Lite" version which runs purely off JavaScript.

Note: Consider not doing this. Use form models or vanilla methods instead. The :conditions option for Rails associations cannot take...

This card describes a Cucumber step that lets you say: When I perform basic authentication as "username/password" and I visit...

You cannot use Array#join on an array of strings where some strings are html_safe and others are not...

If you want your application to display properly on iPad, iPhone or Android there are two things to do:

The following Sass will do the trick: button, input[type="reset"], input[type="button"], input[type="submit"], input[type="file...

Our collection of the most useful Cucumber steps, Spreewald, now supports exact matching of form fields and lets you use...

When you need to see the content of a page (i.e. not all the HTML but the relevant text body...

Using this step definition you can check if any form field (text field, checkbox, etc) or button is disabled:

Use the htmlentities gem. Encoding works like this: require 'htmlentities' coder = string = "<élan>" coder.encode(string) # => "&lt;élan&gt;"

When a has_many association basically serves to store a list of associated strings (tags, categories, ...), it can be convenient...

Note that this card is very old. You might want to use ActiveType for your auto-coerced virtual attributes instead...

E.g. when you're using a tagging gem, you have seen virtual attributes that get and set a string array...

This step tests whether a given select option comes preselected in the HTML. There is another step to test that...