To improve installation times of gems you can use the following approach: gem install xyz --no-document To permanently ignore...
sudo gem install rails --version="=1.2.3" rails _1.2.3_ new-project-folder
Ruby Rails Any gem
Gem to provide nice looking urls ("/blog/the-greatest-bug-i-never-fixed"). If you don't need anything too special (like i18n for the urls...
This project is (or will be) a best effort semi-static verifier for your Ruby on Rails projects. Delivered as...
Web 2.0 sites have lots of tiny javascript/css files, which causes one extra round trip per file to the server...
The rubyforge gems model may not be perfect, but damnit people, when there’s a gem update I know that...
This gem allows you to access the content of
If you’re working on some cool ruby console-based application or just want to add a little style to...
Metric_fu is a set of rake tasks that make it easy to generate metrics reports. It uses Saikuro, Flog...
I just released a gem to find image dimensions and type information fast.
Amidst my 400 unread Boing Boing links are probably ten or fifteen that are probably real gems. But I’ll...
WTF GitHub??
If we want mobile applications to stay around as a sustainable business, we need to be more honest about the...
Though we ended up switching to what I consider to be a technically superior product based on simplicity, we arrived...
Unfortunately vanilla Ruby modules lack support for many idioms popular in modern Ruby. Most importantly, we have become accustomed to...
I love Cucumber, but I hate writing step definitions. They are ugly, awkward to write and very, very boring: Most...
Pretty print your Ruby objects with style -- in full color and with proper indentation
When I realized what had gone wrong, the light almost blinded me.
But then there are those posts where the author pastes 10 pages of confused code with no context whatsoever and...
Where there was once a consistent API to manipulate and hook into the lifecycle of a persistent object, plugins must...
The basics of Isolate, a tool for replacing Bundler in gem management.