This error can be caused by the mysql2 gem under mysterious circumstances. You need to remove it with gem uninstall...

When you are calling Bundler from your shell scripts, you might find it useful that a failed bundle call returns...

We have a new gem Minidusen which extracts Dusen's query parsing and LIKE query functionality. Minidusen can no longer...

makandra dev

Improve geordi cucumber: Only attempt @solo run when the specified files contain the @solo tag, skip @solo run if any...

Capistrano is by default configured to exclude the gems of the groups development and test when deploying to the stages...

Resources Rails Guide: Internationalization API Guide to localizing a Rails application Locale-aware helpers in ActionView::Helpers::NumberHelper

You can define methods using def or define_method. In the real world, there is no performance difference.

You can download .gem files using gem fetch: gem fetch activesupport consul This will produce files like active-support-5.0.0.gem and consul-0.12.1.gem...

#dig lets you easily traverse nested hashes, arrays, or even a mix of them. It returns nil if any intermediate...

As your Rails project grows, you will accumulate a number of small patches. These will usually fix a bug in...

makandra dev

This gem gives you a rake task db:seed:dump do create a db/seeds.rb from your current database state.

Instead of using this hack you might want to use MariaDB 10.x which can work with both old and...

Tool to show you which gems are slow to load: ➜ git:(master) ✗ bundle exec bumbler [################################################# ] (49/65) travis-lint...

Stackprof is a sampling call-stack profile for Ruby 2.1+. Instead of tracking all method calls, it will simply collect...

Uses FFI and works all relevant operating systems. If you'd try to do it yourself, you'd have to...

Validations should be covered by a model's spec. This card shows how to test an individual validation. This is...

To install gems Bundler needs to be able to talk to If you are behind a proxy you...

I got this error when running Rails 2.3 tests for Rails LTS. More stacktrace: NoMethodError: undefined method `cache' for Gem...

Note The maintenance mode is enabled on all application server as soon as the file /public/system/maintenance.html is present. Installation

The nokogiri gem provides different packages for several platforms. Each platform-specific variant ships pre-built binaries of libxml2, e.g...

makandra dev

Install this gem and stop using bundle exec or even Geordi's handy b. Yay!

When using Sidekiq in your application, you must write thread-safe code. This wiki page also lists gems that are...

I recommend to go straight to 2.1.5+ without intermediate steps. Otherwhise you burden yourself with unnecessary work of encoding problems...

Cucumber raises a Cucumber::Ambiguous if more than one step definitions match a step. Our new cucumber_priority gem provides...