Claus-Theodor Riegg
8 years
Andreas Vöst
2 years
Andreas Vöst
2 years
Moritz Kraus
2 years
Emma Heinle
2 years
Emma Heinle
3 years

Delete unresponsive rabbitmq queue

Updated . Posted . Visible to the public.

In our monitoring, RabbitMQ queues like aliveness-test may show up as unresponsive, with a ping timeout after 10 seconds. The logfile will generally read like this:

operation queue.delete caused a channel exception not_found: failed to perform operation on queue 'example' in vhost '/' due to timeout

For the aliveness-test queue, you can can use this command to delete it:

rabbitmqctl eval 'rabbit_amqqueue:internal_delete({resource,<<"/">>,queue,<<"aliveness-test">>}).'

This queue is only used for monitoring if RabbitMQ is alive and processing things. It does not contain customer data and will automatically be re-created after deletion.

Last edit
Emma Heinle
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