When you are using PgBouncer with e.g. a Ruby on Rails application which uses different application_names for the PostgreSQL...
If you want to use rsync to transfer files that don't belong to your user to another system you...
jq is great when dealing with JSON data. Check out the official jq Manual. Content Select only specific keys
Short hint: If you want to push to a git repository that has CI configured, you can skip the CI...
Apply Test Driven Development(TDD) to the process of building container images by defining test before writing code and automate...
Creating Nagios Config with puppet Let's have a look at the classic way of managing Nagios configuration with exported...
Legt man im DNS beispielsweise einen CNAME-Eintrag an, sollte das Ziel am Ende einen Punkt haben, also z.b. d31337.cloudfront.net...
Intel CPUs receive updates, including security relevant upgrades, through 2 channels: Firmware/UEFI BIOS updates can also update the microcode in...
It is possible to manipulate the forwarded ports of an established interactive SSH session. This is done by opening the...
We recently encountered a problem with GlusterFS (7.x) when an application used the flock syscall on a GlusterFS path...
A lot of web applications require being called over https, which is a good thing. It's possible to configure...
When a nginx reverse proxy complains about upstreams sending too big headers, tweaking the buffers responsibly can help to prevent...
If you want to check the configuration of a running JVM process you can use jcmd. List the running processes...
If you have for e.g. a Java application which outputs multiline stack traces inside a container running in kubernetes you...
To measure the time of your HTTP request with curl, you can use the -w (--write-out) option:
There are cases where we have multiple exported resources that are identical. There are nodes that provide the same services...
In Puppet, there are some differences between defined and function types when it comes to code encapsulation. In most cases...
The owner of a scheduled CI/CD pipeline in GitLab will always be notified if the pipeline fails. Follow these steps...
When terragrunt is relaying information to input variables it's happening via environment variables. Depending on the size of the...
In our monitoring, RabbitMQ queues like aliveness-test may show up as unresponsive, with a ping timeout after 10 seconds...
Instead of using Puppet exported resources you can use the puppetdb_query feature. This can result in more complex code...
How can I configure virtual IP's? There are two parameter to set up virtual ips in Keepalived: virtual_ipaddress...
If you're deploying code for your lambda function via terraform, this code is usually zipped and uploaded to Amazon...
If you want to expand your Areca Raid by swapping out the disks for larger ones you will need to...