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GitLab scheduled pipeline: Don't notify owner

Andreas Vöst
November 14, 2022Software engineer at makandra GmbH

The owner of a scheduled CI/CD pipeline in GitLab will always be notified if the pipeline fails.

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Follow these steps if you don't want this:

  1. Create a Project Access Token with api scope and developer role
  2. Create the scheduled pipeline with that token:
    curl --request POST --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN: ${TOKEN}" \
      --form description="Daily pipeline check" \
      --form ref="master" \
      --form cron="0 10 * * *" \
      --form cron_timezone="UTC" \
      --form active="true" \
  3. Optional: Configure other notifications like Slack with Integrations
Posted by Andreas Vöst to makandra Operations (2022-11-14 11:03)