Dates, date formatting, and parsing

Posted Over 10 years ago. Visible to the public.

There is no direct Elixir support for dates, though there is the Erlang calendar module Show snapshot . Dates, Times, and Date Times are represented as tuples

  • {2014, 2,10} - 10 Feb 2014
  • {16,45,15} - 16:45:15
  • {{2014,2,10}, {16,45,15}} - 10 Feb 2014, at 16:45:15

There are a number of in-progress date parsing and formatting libraries, eg:

I've chosen to just parse my own for the simple case, eg

def parse_date_time date_string do
    Regex.named_captures(%r/^(?<year>\d{4})-(?<month>\d{2})-(?<day>\d{2})T(?<hour>\d{2}):(?<minute>\d{2}):(?<second>\d{2})/g, date_string)
   |> values_to_integers
   |> date_time_captures_to_date_time

defp values_to_integers keyword_list do
     |> {name, value} ->
     {name, safe_to_integer(value)}

defp date_time_captures_to_date_time captures do
   {{captures[:year], captures[:month], captures[:day]}, {captures[:hour], captures[:minute], captures[:second]}}

The following produces a string such as "2010-02-10 13:05:07" from an Erlang date time.

def format_date_time({{year, month, day}, {hour, minute, second}}) do
   :io_lib.format("~4..0B-~2..0B-~2..0B ~2..0B:~2..0B:~2..0B",
     [year, month, day, hour, minute, second])
     |> List.flatten
     |> to_string

Note that none of the above copes with bad input, so it's probably very naughty.

Paul Wilson
Last edit
Over 10 years ago
Posted by Paul Wilson to elixir tips (2014-02-10 12:59)