Geordi 1.3 released


  • Geordi is now (partially) tested with Cucumber. Yay!
  • geordi cucumber supports a new @solo tag. Scenarios tagged with @solo will be excluded from parallel runs, and run sequentially in a second run
  • Support for Capistrano 2 AND 3 (will deploy without :migrations on Capistrano 3)
  • Now requires a .firefox-version file to set up a test firefox. By default now uses the system Firefox/a test Chrome/whatever and doesn't print warnings any more.
  • geordi deploy --no-migrations (aliased -M): Deploy with `cap ...

Git: Ignore whitespace when merging or cherry-picking

You can tell git to ignore different kinds and amounts of whitespace when merging or cherry-picking. This often occurs when you changed indentation, or converted tabs to spaces.

Simply use

git merge <REV> -Xignore-space-change


git cherry-pick <REV> -Xignore-space-change

Git: Keep your repository tidy

When you're using feature branches, they will stack up if you don't delete them after the merge to master. Here's how to tidy them up.

Delete feature branches

Find already-merged branches by running

# On branch master
git branch --merged

You may safely delete each of the listed branches, because they point to commits that are contained in the history of your current branch (i.e. master).

git branch -d my/feature-branch # Delete feature branch locally
git push origin :my/feature-branch # Push *nothi...

Recommended Git workflow for feature branches

This is a guide on how to effectively use Git when working on a feature branch. It is designed to get out of your way as much as possible while you work, and ensure you end up with clean commits in the end.

We assume you are the only person working on this branch. We also assume the branch has never been "partially" merged into master.

You want to start a feature branch

git checkout master
git checkout -b my-feature-branch
git push -u origin my-feature-branch

You've added code that works ind...

Using tig

tig is a command line explorer for git that is just awesome. Install via apt-get or brew.


Generally speaking, tig is controlled similar to vim.

  • ENTER: Dive into the highlighted line, e.g. open a commit
  • Q: Go back to the previous view, e.g. close a file
  • SHIFT + Q: Exit
  • TAB: Switch focus between views, e.g. the commits list and the commit diff


tree view

Hit t. You'll see the current directory annotated with the latest change date and its author. Navigate with arrow keys or vim....

Protip: Clone large projects multiple times

Large projects usually have large test suites that can run for a long time.
This can be annoying as running tests blocks you from picking up the next story -- but it doesn't have to be that way!

Simply clone your project's repo twice (or even more often).

When your work on a feature branch is done, simply push that branch and check it out on your 2nd copy to run tests there.
You can pick up a new story and work on that on your "main" project directory.

If you do it right, you will even be able to run tests in both your 2nd copy and your m...

Differences between transactions and locking

Web applications can be used by multiple users at the same time. A typical application server like Passenger has multiple worker processes for a single app. In a distributed deployment setup like we use at makandra you will even have multiple application servers, each with their own worker pool.

This means that your code needs to deal with concurrent data access. The two main tools we use to cope with concurrency are database transactions and distributed locks. These two are not interchangeable. You ca...

Did you know 'tig status' ?

It's like a GUI for the famous git add [-p].

Select files with the up/down-keys and hit

  • u for staging/unstaging the whole file
  • Enter for showing the diff of a file
    • j and k to navigate in the diff
    • u again to stage/unstage chunks
    • 1 to stage/unstage only lines
    • \ to split large chunks
  • F5 to refresh the view

Git: How to get a useful diff when renaming files

tldr; Use git diff -M or git diff --find-renames when you've moved a few files around.


$ git diff --help
    -M[<n>], --find-renames[=<n>]
      Detect renames. If n is specified, it is a threshold on the similarity index
       (i.e. amount of addition/deletions compared to the file’s size). For example,
       -M90% means Git should consider a delete/add pair to be a rename if more than
       90% of the file hasn’t changed. Without a % sign, the number is to be read as
       a fraction, with a decimal point...

greckout - a bash script to grep and checkout your git branches

greckout query

This will list all branches matching your query as input options for git checkout

  greckout ar
  1) ar/cache-api-keys-1098
  2) ar/add-categories-object-to-tv-show-1382
  3) ...