Multiline comments in indented Sass syntax

Write a // and indent every subsequent line by two spaces.

This is great for documenting BEM blocks!

  An action button
  Basic usage
      <a href="/path" class="action">New booking</a>
      <button class="action">Save</a>
      <input type="submit" class="action">Save</a>
      <a href="/path" class="action is-red">Primary</a>
      <a href="/path" class="action is-grey">Secondary</a>
  Small inline buttons

Carrierwave: Efficiently converting images

When uploading images, adding more than one process to a version can cause MiniMagick to run multiple commands. In order to have all processing done in one mogrify system call, you'll need to define only one process that combines all options you'd like to pass in.

An auto-mapper for BEM classes in Cucumber selectors

When you are using the #selector_for helper in Cucumber steps, as e.g. Spreewald does, the following snippet will save you typing. It recognizes a prose BEM-style selector and maps it to the corresponding BEM class.

For a variation on this idea, see An auto-mapper for ARIA labels and BEM classes in Cucumber selectors.


"the main menu" -> '.main-menu'
"the item box's header" -> '.item-box--header'

Here are some examples of steps (using Spreewald, too):


Ubtuntu: "FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/...-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory"

If you get this error (probably because you want to load some modules):

# modprobe xt_comment
FATAL: Could not load /lib/modules/3.2.0-40-generic/modules.dep: No such file or directory

The reason could be that apt-get autoremove already removed /lib/modules/.../modules.dep even if you still using this kernel version:

# uname -r
# ls -l /lib/modules/
total 24
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Oct 22 17:05 3.2.0-68-generic
drwxr-xr-x 4 root root 4096 Jan  7 16:38 3.2.0-69-generic

ImageMagick: Cropping images

ImageMagick takes a string with several options when cropping an image. See the command line options for how to provide the expected image geometry for details.

Note that ImageMagick tends to preserve the original aspect ratio of the source image automatically.


  • crop 200x200 means Maximum values of height and width given, aspect ratio preserved.
  • crop 200x200! means Width and height emphatically given, original aspect ratio ignored.

CarrierWave: How to remove GIF animation

When accepting GIF images, you will also accept animated GIFs. Resizing them can be a time-consuming task and will block a Rails worker until the image is processed.

Save yourself that trouble, and simply tell ImageMagick to drop any frames but the first one.

Add the following to your uploader class:

process :remove_animation


def remove_animation
  if content_type == 'image/gif'
    manipulate! { |image| image.collapse! }

You may also define that process for specific versions only (e.g. only for thum...

Managing vendor libraries with the Rails asset pipeline

The benefit of the Rails asset pipeline is that it compiles your stylesheets and javascripts to a single file, respectively. However, the consequences are startling if you don't understand them. Among others, the raw asset pipeline requires you to have all your asset libraries in the same folder, which quickly becomes confusing as your set of assets grows. To overcome this, we have two different solutions.

Custom solution

We are using a custom workaround to keep library files apart in their own directories. To avoid b...

LibreOffice Writer prints text frames as black areas

To fix this:

  • Right-click on the frame
  • Select Frame...
  • Open Background
  • Set As to "Color"
  • Set the background color to "No fill"

Resolving Angular not updating an image src when ng-src is empty

The Angular ngSrc directive serves to properly set an image src via Angular. As anything in Angular, it updates the image as soon as the contained Angular expression changes. However, when the ng-src attribute is empty, Angular will not empty the src attribute. To overcome this, use the trick below.

<img ng-src="{{ element.image || '//:0' }}" />


The ngSrc directive explicitly returns when the attribute value is falsy. As a workaround, set a "blank" image src when the image is empty. As [somebody ...

bower-rails can rewrite your relative asset paths

The asset pipeline changes the paths of CSS files during precompilation. This opens a world of pain when CSS files reference images (like jQuery UI) or fonts (like webfont kits from Font Squirrel), since all those url(images/icon.png) will now point to a broken path.

In the past we have been using the vendor/asset-libs folder ...

Git: Diff per word or character

By default git diff highlights whole lines as changes.

To diff on a word-by-word basis you can say:

git diff --color-words

To diff on a character-by-character basis you can say:

git diff --color-words=.

Do not use transparent PNGs for iOS favicons

Safari on iOS accepts an apple-touch-icon favicon that is used for stuff like desktop bookmarks. Always define a solid background color for them.

If you use PNGs with a transparent background, Safari will use just set a black background on your pretty icon. This is almost never what you want.
You can fix that by applying a white background via ImageMagick like this:

convert a...

Sass function to set a color to an absolute hue

The adjust-hue function of Sass allows you to change a color's hue, but only relative to its current hue.

adjust-hue(#ffff00, 120)
// => #00ffff
adjust-hue(#444400, 120)
// => #004444

As you can see, we moved our yellow by 120° to cyan. \
But what if you want to move any color to a hue of 120° which is a nice shiny green?

Take this function:

@function set-hue($color, $target-hue)
  $current-hue: hue($color)

Hash any Ruby object into an RGB color

If you want to label things with a color but don't actually care which cholor, you can use the attached Colorizer class.

To get a completely random color (some of which will clash with your design):

Colorizer.colorize(some_object) # => "#bb4faa"

To get similiar colors (e. g. bright, pale colors of different hues):

 # random hue, saturation of 0.5, lightness of 0.6
Colorizer.colorize_similarly(some_object, 0.5, 0.6) # => "#bbaaaa"

Also see the color gem.

How to force a client-side refresh on a new favicon

Browsers usually cache favicons. If you update the favicon of your web site and want all visitors to see the new icon, you need to give the icon a different URL. You will not have this issue if you cache your assets properly, which appends a fingerprint to your image URL (like favicon.ico?432423432):

<link href="<%= image_path('favicon.ico') %>" rel="icon" type="image/">