How to: Run geordi in a single proccess with parallel test setup

Geordi uses parallel_tests if available for running the test suite. To debug an application it is very unhandy to have multiple processes as your terminal I/O will not work as expected once a breakpoint is hit.

Even parallel_tests support an option to enable a single process run, it is not possible to pass this option through geordi. But you can set the number of processes via ENV variable manually:

PARALLEL_TEST_PROCESSORS=1 bundle exec geordi cucu...

How to examine an unknown Ruby object

When debugging your application, you will come across objects created by some gem or framework. You don't have the source code at hand, still need to inspect this object. Here are some tools to do so:

Relevant methods

@object.methods - Object.instance_methods returns a list of methods excluding methods inherited from Object. This makes the methods list drastically more relevant. You can also try subtracting other base classes like ActiveRecord::Base.methods etc.
To further narrow it down you can also just look at public methods...

Rbenv: How to remove a gem installed from a Github source

Normally you can list all gems of the current ruby version with gem list, which also includes the gems of you Gemfile. These can be uninstalled with gem uninstall gemname.

List and uninstall a gem installed via Bundler from Github

This does not work for gems installed directly from Github. They do not appear in gem list.

Show all gems installed via Github by bundler:

ls ~/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2.4.0/bundler/

Remove a gem installed via Github by Bundler:

rm -rf ~/.rbenv/versions/2.4.1/lib/ruby/gems/2....

An incomplete guide to migrate a Rails application from paperclip to carrierwave

In this example we assume that not only the storage gem changes but also the file structure on disc.

A general approach

Part A: Create a commit which includes a script that allows you to copy the existing file to the new file structure.

Part B: Create a commit which removes all paperclip logic and replace it with the same code you used in the first commit

Part A

Here are some implementation details you might want to reuse:

  • Use the existing models to read the files from
  • Use your own carrierwave models to write t...

Geordi: How to rerun failed features

Geordi's cucumber command has a --rerun option that reruns failing tests the given number of times. Usage:

geordi cucumber path/to/features --rerun=2
geordi cucumber path/to/features -r2

Background and how to rerun manually

Cucumber will save a file tmp/parallel_cucumber_failures.log containing the filenames and line number of the failed scenarios after a full test run. Normally you can say cucumber -p rerun (rerun is a profile defined by default in config/cucumber.yml) to rerun all failed scenarios.

Here are a few al...

Rails < 5: How to get after_commit callbacks fired in tests

If you use transactional_fixtures or the database_cleaner gem with strategy :transaction, after_commit callbacks will not be fired in your tests.

Rails 5+

Rails 5 has a fix for this issue and no further action is needed.

Rails 3, Rails 4

Add the gem test_after_commit to your test group in the Gemfile and you are done. You don't need to change the database strategy to deletion (wh...

Ruby: How to use prepend for cleaner monkey patches

Let's say you have a gem which has the following module:

module SuperClient

  def bar


For reasons you need to override foo and bar.

Keep in mind: Your code quality is getting worse with with each prepend (other developers are not happy to find many library extensions). Try to avoid it if possible.

  1. Add a lib/ext/super_client.rb to your project (see How to organize monkey patches in Ruby on Rails projects)
  2. Add the extension, which ov...

How to make changes to a Ruby gem (as a Rails developer)

At makandra, we've built a few gems over the years. Some of these are quite popular: spreewald (> 1M downloads), active_type (> 1M downloads), and geordi (> 200k downloads)

Developing a Ruby gem is different from developing Rails applications, with the biggest difference: there is no Rails. This means:

  • no defined structure (neither for code nor directories)
  • no autoloading of classes, i.e. you need to require all files yourself
  • no active_support niceties

Also, their scope...

How to fill in multiple lines in a textarea with cucumber

If you want to fill in textareas with multiple lines of text (containing line breaks / new lines) you can use Cucumber's docstrings:

And I fill in "Comment" with:

This is a long comment.
With multiple lines.

And paragraphs.

The step definition is part of the spreewald gem

Whenever: Don't forget leading zeros for hours!

Whenever is a Ruby gem that provides a nicer syntax for writing and deploying cron jobs.

Leading zeros are important for whenever if you use the 24-hours format!

This schedule.rb:

every, at: '3:00', roles: [:primary_cron] do
  runner 'Scheduler.delay.do_things'

will lead to this crontab entry (crontab -l) with the default configuration:

0 15 * * * /bin/bash -l -c 'cd /var/www/my-project/releases/20180607182518 && bin/rails runner -e production '\''Scheduler.delay.do_things'\'''

Which would run on 3...

Capistrano + Rails: Tagging production deploys

Just like Ruby Gems tag their version releases to the corresponding Git commit, it can be helpful to track production deploys within the commit history. This task does the tagging for you.

Capistrano 3

# lib/capistrano/tasks/deploy.rb
namespace :deploy do

  desc 'Tag the deployed revision'
  task :tag_revision do
    date =

    puts `git tag deploy-#{date} #{fetch :current_revision}`
    puts `git push --tags origin`

# config/deploy/production.rb
after 'deploy:finished', 'deploy:tag_revi...

Unpoly: Loading large libraries on-demand

When your JavaScript bundle is so massive that you cannot load it all up front, I would recommend to load large libraries from the compilers that need it.

Compilers are also a good place to track whether the library has been loaded before. Note that including same <script> tag more than once will cause the browser to fetch and execute the script more than once. This can lead to memory leaks or cause duplicate event handlers being registered.

In our work we mostly load all JavaScript up front, since our bundles are small enough. We recent...

Webpacker: Configuring browser compatibility

Webpacker uses Babel and Webpack to transpile modern JavaScript down to EcmaScript 5. Depending on what browser a project needs to support, the final Webpack output needs to be different. E.g. when we need to support IE11 we can rely on fewer JavaScript features. Hence our output will be more verbose than when we only need support modern browsers.

Rails 5.1+ projects often use Webpacker to preconfigure the Webpack pipeline for us. The default configuration works something like this:

  1. Webpack checks w...

Running Rails 2 apps with modern MariaDB SQL server

You might have some trouble running a Rails LTS 2 app with MySQL 5.7.

If you don't want to hack Mysql 5.6 into your modern Ubuntu or use the MySQL sandbox, you might want to try MariaDB 10.x.

MariaDB 10.x should work with both old and new Rails applications.

[Switch to MariaDB](

Making httpclient use the operating system's SSL cert store

The httpclient gem comes with a custom SSL cert store.

While an customizable, application-level cert store is great when you need to deal with broken or self-signed certificates, you usually want to use the cert store from the underlying Linux. The Linux cert store is updated periodically while httpclient's cert store goes out of date and will eventually not be able to verify certs.

To use the cert store from the underlying operating system:

client =

Upgrading a Rails app to Cucumber 3

Upgrade gems

You need to update a lof gems. Make sure you don't have any version constraints in your Gemfile or your bundle update won't do anything!

Upgrade cucumber_priority:

bundle update cucumber_priority

Upgrade spreewald:

bundle update spreewald

Upgrade cucumber_factory:

bundle update cucumber_factory

Upgrade parallel_tests:

bundle update parallel_tests

Even on the latest version, parallel_tests will print some deprecation warnings due to using an older formatter A...

How to: Fix incorrect MySQL client library version

Bundler::GemRequireError: There was an error while trying to load the gem 'mysql2'.
Gem Load Error is: Incorrect MySQL client library version! This gem was compiled for 5.5.46 but the client library is 5.6.30.

Same as in Fix " cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory":

gem pristine mysql2

gem pristine re-installs a gem (without re-downloading), re-compiling all native extensions in the process.

How to: Solve gem loaded specs mutex

Use bundler > 1.15 to fix Gem::LOADED_SPECS_MUTEX (NameError).

Given the following project:

ruby -v
ruby 1.8.7

bundler -v
Bundler version 1.13.7

gem -v

rails -v

Running specs or features resulted in:

uninitialized constant Gem::LOADED_SPECS_MUTEX (NameError)

The previous settings described in Maximum version of Rubygems and Bundler for Ruby 1.8.7 and Rails 2.3 (even the rails version was rails 3.2 and not 2.3) seems not to work here, so I used (also described in the ca...

Configuring RubyGems to not install documentation by default

When installing gems, a lot of time is spent building locally installed documentation that you probably never use.

We recommend you disable documentation generation for gem install by default.
Note that Bundler won't install documentation, so this advice applies only when installing gems manually.

If you don't already have it, create a ~/.gemrc file. The gemrc is a Yaml file, so add the following line to add default switches to the gem command.

gem: --no-document

(If you do n...