Improving browser rendering performance

As the web is being used for more and more tasks, expectations rise. Not only should web pages offer rich interaction, they must be responsive in both size and interaction.

This imposes a paradoxon that needs to be solved by building performing applications. It's not enough any more to have your web site do crazy stuff, it is also required to do it crazy fast. This card is intended to give you an introduction to this emerging aspect of web development.

Read this introductory [performance study on Pinterest](

An auto-mapper for ARIA labels and BEM classes in Cucumber selectors

Spreewald comes with a selector_for helper that matches an English term like the user's profile into a CSS selector. This is useful for steps that refer to a particular section of the page, like the following:

Then I should see "Bruce" within the user's profile

If you're too lazy to manually translate English to a CSS selector by adding a line to features/env/selectors.rb, we already have an [auto-mapper to translate English into ...

List of Helpful RubyMine Shortcuts


: Search for any symbol in your application, like CSS classes, Ruby classes, methods, helpers etc.

: Search for filename in your application (also dependencies)

: Open a list of recently opened files

: Open a the navigation bar as a context menu. Allows you to quickly navigate between files.

: Go to line


: Find ...

How to fix: iPad does not trigger click event on some elements

iPads will not trigger click events for all elements. You can fix that, but you don't want to know why.

Example: Capturing clicks on table rows (use case would be clicking the 1st link inside it for better UI). Consider this setup:



$(document).on('click', 'tr', function () {
  alert('row clicked')

While this works on a desktop browser, clicking the row/cell on an iPad will just do nothing.

Turns out, the iPad will only trigger such events for ...

24 little known CSS facts

This blew my mind today:

Please make sure to check browser support for CSS features on Can I Use and the Mozilla Development Network before using.


  • outline-offset: specify how far away from the element an outline is rendered
  • ::first-letter: matches the first letter insid...

Reverse-proxying web applications with Apache 2.4+

Note: Making a reverse proxy with nginx is much more straightforward.

A reverse proxy is a "man in the middle" server that tunnels requests to another server. You can use for things like:

  • Expose a local service that you cannot directly reach over the internet
  • "Change" the domain or path of a web application by rewriting them on the fly
  • Instantly change servers that respond to a name or ...

Make "rake notes" learn about Haml, Sass, CoffeeScript, and other file types

Rails comes with a Rake task notes that shows code comments that start with "TODO", "FIXME", or "OPTIMIZE".

While it's generally not good practice to leave them in your code (your work is not done until it's done), in larger projects you will occasionally have to use them as other parts of the application that you depend upon are not yet available.
To keep track of them, run rake notes. Its output looks something like this:

$ rake notes

How to use CSS to rotate text by 90° in IE8 (and modern IEs)

If you want to rotate text, you can use CSS transforms in somewhat modern browsers to rotate the container element.
However, if you need to support IE8, transform is unavailable (if need only IE9 support, ignore the following and use -ms-transform).

Here is a solution that worked for me:

<div class="my-element">Hi!</div>


.my-element {
  display: inline-block;
  transform: rotate(90deg);
  -ms-writing-mode: tb-rl;
  -ms-transform: none;

This way, browsers will use CSS transforms when available -- w...