Linux: rename or change extension of multiple files

When you need to bulk rename files you can not call "mv *.foo *.bar" to change the extension of all .foo files to bar (because bash resolves wildcards and replaces them with the list of matched files).

This works on linuxes who use the Perl version of the rename command (like Ubuntu):

rename 's/\.foo$/\.bar/' *

You can also use this to rename other parts of the file, e.g. from flag_en.png, flag_de.png etc. to just en.png or de.png:

rename 's/^flag_//' *

Note that we used $ and ^ to explicitly look at the ...

Allow a user to run a single command with root privileges

It's that simple to allow one of your Linux users to run a single command as UID 0:

  1. sudo visudo
  2. Add the line below to allow user 'deploy' to run /usr/bin/bundle with root privileges
deploy  ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/bundle

Shell script to clean up a project directory

Call geordi clean from a project root to remove unused and unnecessary files inside it.

This script is part of our geordi gem on github. In Geordi > 1.2 you can call geordi clean.

Install gems for all bundled projects

This is a bash script for those of you who need to install all gems for all projects (e.g. to get started quickly on a newly installed system).

Put it into your ~/bin/ and run it from the directory that holds your projects.

Note that, like the vanilla bundle install, this will fail whenever a new gem compiles native components and requires a missing system dependency.

Shell script to quickly switch Apache sites

I prefer the application that I'm currently working on to be reachable at http://localhost/.

So when I switch to another project, I use this handy shell script to set one site as the current one. Call it just like this:
apache-site makandra-com

Note that it disables all other sites in your Apache configuration so you would not want to use this on production machines.
Furthermore it will also enable the default site if that was available.

When you call apache-site with no arguments, it will list all available sites.


Kill a dead SSH shell

If a SSH shell dies (from timeout for example), you cannot kill it with the usual CTRL-C or CTRL-Z. Instead, press

Sun Java JVM/JRE on Ubuntu Linux

Note that you should disable the Java plug-in in your browsers after installation.

Ubuntu >= 12.04

Java 11

sudo apt install openjdk-11-jre-headless

Java 10

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:linuxuprising/java
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install oracle-java10-installer

Java 8

You probably want to get rid of OpenJDK (which is installed by default and leads to bad RubyMine performance):


Find files modified since a given timestamp

If you need to find all files inside a directory that were modified in the last 24 hours you can do this:

find . -mtime 1

You can also refer to another file's timestamp like this:

find . -cnewer other_file

This can be used to check against a specific timestamp, too. This is how you check for all files modified today (since 00:00):

touch -t `date +%m%d0000` /tmp/$$
find . -cnewer /tmp/$$

Note that $$ returns the current bash's PID so you will get some file like /tmp/12345 that stays the same for the current shell. This...

Recursively remove unnecessary executable-flags

Sometimes files attain executable-flags that they do not need, e.g. when your Windows VM copies them over a Samba share onto your machine.

From inside your Rails project directory call regularly:

geordi remove-executable-flags

Runs chmod -x on Ruby, HTML, CSS, image, Rake and similar files.

This script is part of our geordi gem on github.

Linux: create a symbolic link

You may omit the /path/to/link_name to have a link with the same filename appear in the current directory

ln -s /path/to/file /path/to/link_name

unlink link_name       // to remove the link and not where it is pointing at

Task Switch in Linux Console

To pause and send a task to the background

to reactivate the task

to run task in background

to see a list of so running tasks

Change default size of Gnome terminal

Open the configuration file:

gksudo gedit /usr/share/vte/termcap/xterm

Find a line like this:


Change the first and last number to your desired columns and rows:


Save your changes and close all open terminals. New terminals should now open with the new size.

Count files in a folder

From the shell:

ls -l | wc -l

Show the current Git branch on your Bash prompt

Append this to your ~/.bashrc:

export PS1='\[\033[01;32m\]\h\[\033[01;34m\] \w\[\033[31m\]$(__git_ps1 "(%s)") \[\033[01;34m\]$\[\033[00m\] '

Reload the changes by saying

source ~/.bashrc

For some customized prompts that also show the current Git prompt, see the examples section at the bottom of our bash prompt customizing card.