Haml: Generating a unique selector for an element

Having a unique selector for an element is useful to later select it from JavaScript or to update a fragment with an Unpoly.

Haml lets you use square brackets ([]) to generate a unique class name and ID from a given Ruby object. Haml will infer a class attribute from the given object's Ruby class. It will also infer an id attribute from the given object's Ruby class and #id method.

This is especially useful with ActiveRecord instances, which have a persisted #id and will hence **generate the same selector o...

Debugging Webpacker config

Option 1: JSON dump

In config/webpack/environment.js you can get inspect environment which includes all webpack config options set for the current environment:

const { environment } = require('@rails/webpacker')
const webpack = require('webpack')

throw JSON.stringify(environment, null, 2)


Option 2: Browser console

You can also debug the config in your browser directly with a newer version of Webpacker:

process.env.NODE_ENV = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development'

const environment = require('./environment')

Introduction to Google Tag Manager (for web developers who know Google Analytics)

As a web developer, you know Google Analytics (GA). Probably you've dropped the GA snippet into more than one website, maybe you've even used its Javascript API to implement tracking at the event level.

Google Tag Manager (GTM) is a related tool, but on a higher level and thus with much more power. GTM is not a replacement for GA. Rather, it can make GA configurable without changing anything in the application's code base (and much more beyond, see below).

Only prefer GTM if the customer requests it, or if he is updating his tracking r...

Rails: Flagging all cookies as secure-only to pass a security audit

Why secure-only cookies used to be necessary

Cookies have an optional secure flag. It tells the browser to not send the cookie for a non-https request.

It used to be important to activate the secure flag even on sites that automatically redirect users from http:// to https://. The reason was that most users will only enter a scheme-less domain like makandra.de into their location bar, which will default to `http://m...

Minimal JavaScript function to detect version of Internet Explorer or Edge

If possible your code should detect features, not browsers. But sometimes you just need to sniff the browser. And when you do, you're probably fighting a Microsoft product.

The following function returns a Number like 10, 11, 12, 13 for Internet Explorer or Edge (anything above 11 is Edge). It returns undefined for any other browser.

function ieVersion(uaString) {
  uaString = uaString || navigator.userAgent;
  var match = /\...

Operators "in" and "of" are very inconsistent between CoffeeScript and JavaScript

CoffeeScript and JavaScript (ECMAScript) both have operators in and of. Each language use them for more than one purpose. There is not a single case where the same operator can be used for the same purpose in both languages.

Check if an object (or its prototype) has a property


var hasFoo = 'foo' of object


var hasFoo = 'foo' in object;

Iterate through all properties of an object

Unpoly: Loading large libraries on-demand

When your JavaScript bundle is so massive that you cannot load it all up front, I would recommend to load large libraries from the compilers that need it.

Compilers are also a good place to track whether the library has been loaded before. Note that including same <script> tag more than once will cause the browser to fetch and execute the script more than once. This can lead to memory leaks or cause duplicate event handlers being registered.

In our work we mostly load all JavaScript up front, since our bundles are small enough. We recent...

jQuery: How to replace DOM nodes with their contents

You know that you can use jQuery's text() to get an element's contents without any tags.
If you want to remove only some tags, but keep others, use contents() and unwrap(). Here is how.

Consider the following example element.

$container = $('<div><strong>Hello</strong> <em>World</em></div>')

Let's say we want to discard any <em> tags, but keep their contents.
Simply find them, then dive into their child nodes via contents, and use unwrap replace their ...

Webpacker: Configuring browser compatibility

Webpacker uses Babel and Webpack to transpile modern JavaScript down to EcmaScript 5. Depending on what browser a project needs to support, the final Webpack output needs to be different. E.g. when we need to support IE11 we can rely on fewer JavaScript features. Hence our output will be more verbose than when we only need support modern browsers.

Rails 5.1+ projects often use Webpacker to preconfigure the Webpack pipeline for us. The default configuration works something like this:

  1. Webpack checks w...

Upgrading a Rails app to Cucumber 3

Upgrade gems

You need to update a lof gems. Make sure you don't have any version constraints in your Gemfile or your bundle update won't do anything!

Upgrade cucumber_priority:

bundle update cucumber_priority

Upgrade spreewald:

bundle update spreewald

Upgrade cucumber_factory:

bundle update cucumber_factory

Upgrade parallel_tests:

bundle update parallel_tests

Even on the latest version, parallel_tests will print some deprecation warnings due to using an older formatter A...

HTML5: disabled vs. readonly form fields

Form fields can be rendered as noneditable by setting the disabled or the readonly attribute. Be aware of the differences:

disabled fields

  • don’t post to the server
  • don’t get focus
  • are skipped while tab navigation
  • available for button, fieldset, input, select, textarea, command, keygen, optgroup, option

Browser specific behavior:

  • IE 11: text inputs that are descendants of a disabled fieldset appear disabled but the user can still interact with them
  • Firefox: selecting text in a disabled text field is no...

Jasmine: Expecting objects as method invocation arguments

To check if a method has been called in Jasmine, you first need to spy on it:

let spy = spyOn(window, 'alert')
expect(window.alert).toHaveBeenCalledWith('Important message')

To expect an object of a given type, pass the constructor function to jasmine.any():


To expect an object with given key/value properties, use `jasmine.objectContaining(...

HTML: Making browsers wrap long words

By default, browsers will not wrap text at syllable boundaries. Text is wrapped at word boundaries only.

This card explains some options to make browsers wrap inside a long word like "Donaudampfschifffahrt".

Option 1: hyphens CSS property

Modern browsers are able to hyphenate natively with the CSS property hyphens:

hyphens: auto

There is also hyphens: none (disable hyphenations even at &shy; entities) and hyphens: manual (hyphenation at &shy; only).
This feature was integrated [just ...

JavaScript: Testing the type of a value

Checking if a JavaScript value is of a given type can be very confusing:

  • There are two operators typeof and instanceof which work very differently.
  • JavaScript has some primitive types, like string literals, that are not objects (as opposed to Ruby, where every value is an object).
  • Some values are sometimes a primitive value (e.g. "foo") and sometimes an object (new String("foo")) and each form requires different checks
  • There are three different types for null (null, undefined and NaN) and each has different rules for...

Spreewald: Content-Disposition not set when testing a download's filename


  • You are not using javascript tests
  • The file is served from a public folder (not via controller)

Problem description

If you deliver files from a public folder it might be that the Content-Disposition header is not set. That's why the following spreewald step might raise an error:

Then I should get a download with filename "..."
expected: /filename="some.pdf"$/
     got: nil (using =~) (RSpec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError)


One solution...

Fixing flaky E2E tests

An end-to-end test (E2E test) is a script that remote-controls a web browser with tools like Selenium WebDriver. This card shows basic techniques for fixing a flaky E2E test suite that sometimes passes and sometimes fails.

Although many examples in this card use Ruby, Cucumber and Selenium, the techniques are applicable to all languages and testing tools.

Why tests are flaky

Your tests probably look like this:

When I click on A
And I click on B
And I click on C
Then I should see effects of C

A test like this works fine...

Async control flow in JavaScript: Promises, Microtasks, async/await

Slides for Henning's talk on Sep 21st 2017.

Understanding sync vs. async control flow

Talking to synchronous (or "blocking") API

print('script start')
html = get('/foo')
print('script end')

Script outputs 'script start', (long delay), '<html>...</html>', 'script end'.

Talking to asynchronous (or "evented") API

print('script start')
get('foo', done: function(html) {
print('script end')

Script outputs 'script start', `'...