Sass: How to do math with shorthand values inside variables

If you need to modify (e.g. add 2px) a Sass variable that defines multiple values as one (e.g. for short-hand CSS definitions such ass padding), you can by using nth. It's ugly.

While you could split up such variables into multiple values (e.g. combined padding into one for vertical and one for horizontal padding) in your own Sass definitions, when using some framework definitions like bootstrap-sass, those variables are defined outside your reach.

The following is helpful if you really want to use values from such variables. However...

Building web applications: Beyond the happy path

When building a web application, one is tempted to claim it "done" too early. Make sure you check this list.

Different screen sizes and browsers

Desktops, tablets and mobile devices have all different screen resolutions. Does your design work on each of them?

  • Choose which browsers to support. Make sure the page looks OK, is usable and working in these browsers.
  • Use @media queries to build a responsive design
    • If you do not suppo...

You can implement basic object-fit behavior with background images

So you want to use object-fit, but you also need to support Internet Explorer.

One option is to use lazysizes as a kinda-polyfill. Another option is to implement the requirement with background-size: contain, and background-size: cover, which is supported in IE9+.

E.g. to make an image cover a 100x100 px² area, cropping the image when nece...

Dynamically uploading files to Rails with jQuery File Upload

Say we want …

  • to create a Gallery that has a name and has_many :images, which in turn have a caption
  • to offer the user a single form to create a gallery with any number of images
  • immediate uploads with a progress bar per image
  • a snappy UI

Enter jQuery File Upload. It's a mature library that can do the job frontend-wise. On the server, we'll use Carrierwave, because it's capable of caching images.

(FYI, [here's how to do the u...

How to inspect RSS feeds with Spreewald, XPath, and Selenium

Spreewald gives you the <step> within <selector> meta step that will constrain page inspection to a given scope.

Unfortunately, this does not work with RSS feeds, as they're XML documents and not valid when viewed from Capybara's internal browser (e.g. a <link> tag cannot have content in HTML).

Inspecting XML

If you're inspecting XML that is invalid in HTML, you need to inspect the page source instead of the DOM. You may use Spreewald's "... in the HTML" meta step, or add this proxy step fo...

Stretching an HTML page to full height

This card existed before, but was outdated due to browser implementation changes. The information below is validated for the current list of browsers we support.

By default your html and body elements are only as high as the actual page content inside their container. If you only have two lines of text in your page, your html and body elements will only be around 40 pixels high, regardless of the size of your browser window.

You might be surprised by this, since setting a background on either html and `body...

Find the innermost DOM element that contains a given string

Let's say you want to find the element with the text hello in the following DOM tree:


You might think of using jQuery's :contains selector:


Unfortunately that returns a lot more elements than you expect:

[ <html>...<html>,
  <strong>hello</strong> ]

The reason for this is that...

How to reverse the order of HTML elements with CSS

Imagine you have a list you want to render inline on large screens, but stacked on small screens.

ul { white-space: nowrap } /* optional: keep items in one line no matter the available width */
li { display: inline-block }

@media (max-width: 600px) {
  li { display: block }

Now imagine you want the rightmost item to be the topmost item on small screens. You'll need to invert the order of list items, but only for large screens. Here are some approaches to do so:...

Centering with CSS vertically and horizontally (all options overview)

There are a million ways to center <div>s or text in CSS, horizontally or vertically. All the ways are unsatisfying in their own unique way, or have restrictions regarding browser support, element sizes, etc.

Here are two great resources for finding the best way of aligning something given your use case and browser support requirements:

How to center in CSS
: A long form that lets you define your use case and browser support requirements, then shows you the preferred way of aligning.

[Centering CSS: A com...

How to open a new tab with Selenium

Until recently, you could open a new tab via when using execute_script in Selenium tests. It no longer works in Chrome (will show a "popup blocked" notification).

This is because browsers usually block unless the user interacted with an element for security reasons. I am not sure why it did work via Selenium before.

Here is an approach that will insert a link into the page, and have Selenium click it:

path = "/your/path/here"
id = "helper_#{SecureRandom.hex(8)}"
execute_script <<-JAVASCRIPT

CSS: Select elements that contain another selector

CSS4 comes with :has. E.g. h1:has(b) would select all <h1> tags that contain a <b> tag.

This is implemented in no browser but the jQuery query engine already supports it as a custom extension.

Spreewald: Click on an element with a CSS selector

Spreewald 1.4.0 comes with this step:

When I click on the element ".sidebar"

We recommend to define a selector_for method in features/support/selectors.rb so you can refer to the selector in plain English:

When I click on the element for the sidebar

Spreewald: Check that a CSS selector is present on the current page

Spreewald 1.3.0 comes with these steps:

Then I should see an element ".panel"
Then I should not see an element ".sidebar"
Then I should see an element ".twitter-timeline"

We recommend to define a selector_for method in features/support/selectors.rb so you can refer to the selector in plain English:

Then I should see an element for a panel
Then I should not see an element for the sidebar
Then I should see an element for the Twitter timeline

Keeping web applications fast

Our applications not only need to be functional, they need to be fast.

But, to quote Donald Knuth,

premature optimization is the root of all evil (or at least most of it) in programming

The reasoning is that you should not waste your time optimizing code where it does not even matter. However, I believe there are some kinds of optimizations you should do right away, because

  • they are either obvious and easy
  • or they are very hard to do optimize later

This is an attempt to list some of those things:

On the server
