Ruby / Rails: clone vs. dup vs. deep_dup

Ruby and Rails have several methods for creating a new object that looks like another: clone, dup, deep_dup. When using them you should be aware of their differences so that you can select the method you really need.


  • Shallow copy: references to other objects/values are copied (instead of cloning those objects/values)
  • Clones the object and all its "special object attributes" like frozen, tainted and modules that the object has been extended with
  • [Ruby 2.6 documentation for clone](

Rubygems: Installing the last version of rubygems that has no rubyforge_project deprecation warning

You can install rubygems 3.0.8 (released on February 18, 2020) to keep all the Gem::Specification#rubyforge_project deprecation warnings away from your development log. With Rubygems >= 3.1 this deprecation warning was introduced. While maintaining older projects this could get quite annoying and the fix below might okey, for newer projects the right ways is to upgrade the gems.

gem update --system 3.0.8

Example message:

NOTE: Gem::Specification#rubyforge_project= is deprecated with no replacement. It will be removed o...

How to: Run bundle install in parallel

You can run bundle install in parallel. This might be helpful for development, where you often install many new gems when switching between projects.

  1. Find out the number of processors you have:
  1. Set the config in your ~/.bundle/config globally (replace 8 with your number of proccessors):
bundle config jobs 8


If you suspect parallel execution for bundling issues, you can try serially with bundle install --jobs 1.

Git: How to add changes matching a regular expression

When you have many changes, and you want to spread them across different commits, here is a way to stage all changes matching a given regular expression for a single commit.


Consider the following git diff output.

diff --git a/file1.rb b/file1.rb
index 806ca88..36d536b 100644
--- a/file1.rb
+++ b/file1.rb
@@ -1,7 +1,5 @@
-# Here is a useless comment.
-# It will be removed.
 class File1
-  def foo
+  def bar
     # ...
diff --git a/file2.rb b/file2.rb
index 550e1c6..600f4e3 100644
--- a/file2.rb
+++ b/file2...

Rails: Concurrent requests in development and tests

With puma you can have concurrent requests. There are two concepts on how Puma can handle two incoming requests: Workers and Threads.


Puma can have multiple workers. Each worker is a process fork from puma and therefore a very heavy instance and can have multiple threads, that handle the incoming requests.

Example: A Puma server with 2 workers and 1 thread each can handle 2 request in parallel. A third request has to wait until the thread of one of the workers is free.


Rails is thread-safe since version 4 (n...

How to use Simplecov to find untested code in a Rails project with RSpec and Cucumber

Simplecov is a code coverage tool. This helps you to find out which parts of your application are not tested.

Integrating this in a rails project with rspec, cucumber and parallel_tests is easy.

  1. Add it to your Gemfile and bundle

    group :test do
      gem 'simplecov', require: false
  2. Add a .simplecov file in your project root:

    SimpleCov.start 'rails' do
      # any custom configs like groups and filters can be here at a central place

Using #deep_dup for copying whole hashes and array

"Everything in Ruby is an object". This is also true for nested hashes and arrays. If you copy a hash with #clone or #dup and you modify the copy, you will run into the following behavior:

original_hash = { foo: { bar: 'original value' } }
copied_hash = original_hash.dup
copied_hash[:foo][:bar] = 'changed value'

original_hash # => { foo: { bar: "changed value" }

This is, because { bar: 'baz' } is an object, which is referenced in :foo. The copy of original_hash still holds the reference to the same object, so alterin...

Bundler in deploy mode shares gems between patch-level Ruby versions

A recent patch level Ruby update caused troubles to some of us as applications started to complain about incompatible gem versions. I'll try to explain how the faulty state most likely is achieved and how to fix it.


When you deploy a new Ruby version with capistrano-opscomplete, it will take care of a few things:

  • The new Ruby version is installed
  • The Bundler version stated in the Gemfil...

Video transcoding: Web and native playback overview (April 2020)


Embedding videos on a website is very easy, add a <video> tag to your source code and it just works. Most of the time.

The thing is: Both the operating system and Browser of your client must support the container and codecs of your video. To ensure playback on every device, you have to transcode your videos to one or more versions of which they are supported by every device out there.

In this card, I'll explore the available audio and video standards we have right now. The goal is to built a pipeline that...

Ruby: How to fetch a remote host's TLS certificate

TLS/SSL certificates are often used for HTTPS traffic. Occasionally a service may also use their TLS certificate to support public-key encrypting data (e.g. when it is part of the URI and visible to the user, but contains sensitive information).

Here is how to easily fetch such certificate data.

certificate = Net::HTTP.start('', 443, use_ssl: true) { |http| http.peer_cert }
# => #<OpenSSL::X509::Certificate: subject=#<OpenSSL::X509::Name,...>

# => #<OpenSSL::PKey::RSA:0x...

Capybara 'fill_in': Ambiguous match for different input names

When you have two inputs, where one contains the name of the other (eg. Name and Name with special treatment), Capybara's fill_in method will fail with the following message:

Ambiguous match, found 2 elements matching visible field "Name" that is not disabled (Capybara::Ambiguous)

You can force Capybara to match exactly what you are typing (which makes your tests better anyways) with match: :prefer_exact:

name = 'Name'
value = 'Bettertest Cucumberbatch'
fill_in(field, with: value, match: :prefer_exact)


Always convert and strip user-provided images to sRGB

Debugging image color profiles is hard. You can't trust your eyes in this matter, as the image rendering depends on multiple factors. At least the operation system, browser or image viewer software and monitor influence the resulting image colors on your screen.

When we offer our users the possibility to upload images, they will most likely contain tons of EXIF metadata and sometimes exotic color profiles like eciRGB. We want to get rid of the metadata, as it might contain sensitiv...

How to set up SMTP email delivery with a Gmail account

If you want to make your Rails application be capable of sending SMTP emails, check out the action mailer configuration section in the Ruby on Rails guide.

TL;DR you will end up having an smtp_settings hash that looks something like this:

smtp_settings = {
  address: ...,
  domain: ...,
  port: ...,
  user_name: ...,
  password: ...,
  authentication: ...,
  tls: ...,
  enable_starttls_auto: ...,

This hash can be set as the `delivery_me...

How to update the bundler version in a Gemfile.lock

  1. Install the latest bundler version:

    gem install bundler
    Fetching bundler-2.3.5.gem
    Successfully installed bundler-2.3.5
    1 gem installed
  2. Update the bundler version in Gemfile.lock:

    bundle update --bundler  
  3. Confirm it worked:

    $ tail -n2 Gemfile.lock 


  • Bundler should automatically detect the latest installed version. If it does not, you can specify your preferred version like so:


Rbenv: Alias a Ruby version

For newer Ubuntu versions we currently need to install the patch level version 1.8.7-p375, otherwise the dev dependencies from openssl will cause the installation to fail.

For a project that specifies the Ruby version 1.8.7 in the .ruby-version the rbenv autoswitch will not work. You have several options how you can solve this problem:

  • Install rbenv-aliases, which will alias your Ruby 1.8.7-p375 ...

Bundler: How to release a gem with 2FA enabled

Rubygems supports a 2FA for your account. Once enabled you need to provide your personal OTP code for every release. Despite the CLI of the rake release task does not work well with the command prompt for your OTP code with Bundler versions < 2.0.2. It just looks like the task is frozen:


  • Workaround 1: Just type your OTP code and hit enter, your gem is released afterwards.
  • Workaround 2: Upgrade to Bundler >= 2.0.2.. Your supported Ruby versions for this gem must be >= 2.3.

When r...

Ruby: The YAML safe_load method hides some pitfalls

The Ruby standard lib ships with a YAML Parser called Psych. But serializing and deserializing data seems not as obvious as if you are using JSON.

To safely write and read YAML files you should use Psych#dump (String#to_yaml) and Psych.safe_load (YAML.safe_load):

data = {'key' => 'value'}.to_yaml
=> "---\nkey: value\n"
=> {"key"=>"value"}

Unfortunately you might encounter a few pitfalls which are not obvious in the first place. All of them are a side effect that you can not configure Psych#dump to o...

Capybara: Execute asynchronous JavaScript

Capybara provides execute_script and evaluate_script to execute JavaScript code in a Selenium-controlled browser. This however is not a good solution for asynchronous JavaScript.

Enter evaluate_async_script, which allows you to execute some asynchronous code and wait until it finishes. There is a timeout of a couple of seconds, so it will not wait forever.

Use it like this:

  let [done] = arguments
  doSomethingAsynchronous().then(() => {
    done() // call this to indicate we're done

Email validation regex

There is a practical short list for valid/invalid example email addresses - Thanks to Florian L.! The definition for valid emails (RFC 5322) can be unhandy for some reasons, though.

Since Ruby 2.3, Ruby's URI lib provides a built-in email regex URI::MailTo::EMAIL_REGEXP. That's the best solution to work with.
