Creating a sample video with ffmpeg

If you need a sample video with certain properties for a test you can create one using ffmpeg.
You might want a very low bitrate file to speed up processing in your test. (e.g. you only care about the length, then you can create a video with a very low resolution and framerate)

Create a 21s video with 1fps and 10x10 resolution:
ffmpeg -t 21 -s 10x10 -r 1 -f rawvideo -pix_fmt rgb24 -i /dev/zero sample_21_seconds.mp4

Option Explanation
-t 21 set the length to 21s
-s 10x10 set the resolution the 10 by 10 p...

Story Checklist Template

This is an story checklist I use to work on stories. For this purpose I extracted several cards related to the makandra process and ported them into a check list and refined that over time a little bit.

This task list is divded by the Gate keeping process in the following steps:

1. Starting a new feature
2. Working on the story
3. Finishing a feature
4. After Review

Here are ...

Rails Partials

Rails partials have a lot of "hidden" features and this card describes some non-obvious usages of Rails Partials.

Rendering a basic partial

The most basic way to render a partial:

render partial: 'partial' 

This will render a _partial.html.erb file. Notice how all partials need to be prefixed with _.

It's possible to define local variables that are only defined in the partial template.

# _weather.html.erb
<h1>The weather is <%= condition %></h1>

# index.html.erb
render partial: 'weather', locals: { condition: ...

How to turn images into inline attachments in emails

Not all email clients support external images in all situations, e.g. an image within a link. In some cases, a viable workaround is to turn your images into inline attachments.


Rails provides a simple mechanism to achieve this:

This documentation makes it look like you have to care about these attachments in two places. You have to create the attachment in t...

Carrierwave: Custom file validations inside custom Uploaders

Carrierwave's BaseUploader can have some validations that you can use by overriding a certain method, which's expected name is hard coded. A popular example is extension_allowlist, which returns an array of strings and let's you only upload files that have a filename with an extension that matches an entry in that array. Another useful validation can be size_range, which gives you a little bit of control over how your storage gets polluted.

This is often good enough, but some times you need to validate special cases.

Validations t...

Rails: Encrypting your database information using Active Record Encryption

Since Rails 7 you are able to encrypt database information with Active Record. Using Active Record Encryption will store an attribute as string in the database. And uses JSON for serializing the encrypted attribute.


  • p: Payload
  • h: Headers
  • iv: Initialization Vector
  • at: Authentication Tag
{ "p": "n7J0/ol+a7DRMeaE", "h": { "iv": "DXZMDWUKfp3bg/Yu", "at": "X1/YjMHbHD4talgF9dt61A=="} }

Note this before encrypting attributes with Active Record:

git: find the version of a gem that releases a certain commit

Sometimes I ran across a GitHub merge request of a gem where it was not completely obvious in which version the change was released. This might be the case for a bugfix PR that you want to add to your project.

Git can help you to find the next git tag that was set in the branch. This usually has the name of the version in it (as the rake release task automatically creates a git tag during release).

git name-rev --tags <commit ref>


The more commonly used git describe command will return the last tag before a c...

RSpec: How to compare ISO 8601 time strings with milliseconds

Rails includes milliseconds in Time / DateTime objects when rendering them as JSON:

#=> "2001-01-01T00:00:00.000+00:00"

In RSpec you might want to use .to_json instead of .iso8601 to use the build-in eq matcher:

it 'returns the created at attribute of a user' do
  get '/users/1'
  expect(JSON.parse(response.body)['created_at']).to eq(Time.parse('2001-01-01').to_json)

Otherwise the strings do not match:

DateTime.parse('2001-01-01').to_s (will defa...

How to kill a Rails development server by force

Sometimes, the rails dev server doesn't terminate properly. This can for example happen when the dev server runs in a RubyMine terminal.

When this happens, the old dev server blocks port 3000, so when you try to start a new server, you get the error:

Address already in use - bind(2) for "" port 3000 (Errno::EADDRINUSE)

You can terminate such a dev server with this command:

lsof -t -i :3000 -s TCP:LISTEN | xargs kill -9

It might be worth it to add this to your bash aliases.

Heads up: expect(object).to receive(:method_name) does not execute the original implementation of the method

Let's assume that we have a model Movie that registers a callback function when a new instance of Movie is created (Note: For the purpose of this card it is not important what that callback does or which type of callback it is).

This is how we test whether the callback function (here it is named :my_method) is called when a new movie is created:

expect_any_instance_of(Movie).to receive(:my_method)
create(:movie)  # <-- this is where the method :my_method should be called

You might expect that when calling `create(:mo...

Spreewald: patiently blocks must not change variables from the surrounding scope

I recently enjoyed debugging a Cucumber step that tried to be retryable using a patiently block:

Then /^"([^"]*)" should( not)? be selected for "([^"]*)"$/ do |value, negate, field|
  patiently do
    field = find(:label, text: field)['for'].delete_suffix('-ts-control')

Unfortunately this block is not retryable:

  • The first attempt changes the value of field.
  • All subsequent attempts will using the changed value of field, instead of the o...

Why Sidekiq Jobs should never be enqueued in an `after_create` or `after_save` callback

When an object is created / updated, various callbacks are executed in this order:

after_commit / after_rollback

Thus, each of these callbacks is executed at a specific time in the life cycle of the object. This is important because this point in time determ...

Timecop: reset after each test

Timecop is a great gem to set the current time in tests. However, it is easy to introduce flakyness to your test suite when you forget to reset the time after the test.
This might be the case if:

  • a test freezes time and a later test does not work for frozen time
  • a later test needs the real current date to work correctly

Often you only notice these kinds of errors in rare cases when tests are executed in a particular order.

A way to avoid this is by using block notation (` ...

Jasmine: Mocking ESM imports

In a Jasmine spec you want to spy on a function that is imported by the code under test. This card explores various methods to achieve this.


We are going to use the same example to demonstrate the different approaches of mocking an imported function.

We have a module 'lib' that exports a function hello():

// lib.js

function hello() {
  console.log("hi world")

export hello

We have a second module 'client' that exports a function helloTwice(). All this does is call hello() ...

Heads up: network requests `Kernel#open` are not mocked with VCR

We usually rely on VCR and WebMock to prevent any real network connection when running our unit tests.

This is not entirely true: They are both limited to a set of HTTP libraries listed below (as of 2022). Direct calls to Kernel#open or OpenURI#open_uri are not mocked and will trigger real network requests even in tests. This might bite you e.g. in [older versions of CarrierWave](

Destructors for async Unpoly compilers

Usually, Unpoly compiler destructors are returned from the compiler function.
However, when using async compiler functions, you can not register destructors via return.

This will not work:

up.compiler('my-example', async (element) => {
  await something
  return function onDestroy() {
    // ...

Instead, use up.destructor:

up.compiler('my-example', async (element) => {
  await something

Using path aliases in esbuild

In esbuild, you usually import other files using relative paths:

import './some-related-module'
import `../../utils/some-utility-module`
import `../../../css/some-css.sass`

This is totally fine if you import closely related files, but a bit clunky when you're trying to import some "global" module, like a utility module. When moving a file, your imports also need to change.

To get around this, esbuild support a mechanism first introduced in TypeScript called "path aliases". It works like this:

First, you create a file called `js...

Rails: Use STI in Migration


You should decouple migrations from models by embedding models into the migration. To use STI in this scenario you have to overwrite find_sti_class and sti_name.


When possible, try to avoid STI in migrations by disabling it.



This is more for the sake of I want to do it but I kno...

How to see how many inotify instances are used by each process

As a developer you may have many tools watching your project for changes: Your IDE, Webpack, Guard, etc. This is often done with an inotify watcher. If you have too many inotify instances you may run into limits of your operating system.

To find out which process is using them all up you can run:
sudo find /proc/*/fd/ -type l -lname "anon_inode:inotify" -printf "%hinfo/%f\n" | xargs grep -cE "^inotify" | column -t -s:

You will get a list like:

/proc/3753/fdinfo/7      1
/proc/3774/fdinfo/7      1
/proc/4034/fdinfo/12     14

Jasmine: Creating DOM elements efficiently

Jasmine specs for the frontend often need some DOM elements to work with. Because creating them is such a common task, we should have an efficient way to do it.

Let's say I need this HTML structure:

<ul type="square">
  <li>item 1</li>
  <li>item 2</li>

This card compares various approaches to fabricating DOM elements for testing.

Constructing individual elements

While you can use standard DOM functions to individually create and append elements, this is extremely verbose:

let list = document.createElement('...

Jasmine: Cleaning up the DOM after each test

Jasmine specs that work with DOM elements often leave elements in the DOM after they're done. This will leak test-local DOM state to subsequent tests.

For example, this test creates a <spoiler-text> element, runs some expectations, and then forgets to remove it from the DOM:

describe('<spoiler-text>', function() {
  it ('hides the secret until clicked', function() {
    let element = document.createElement('spoiler-text')
    element.secret = 'The butler did it'

Inspect and Debug CSS Flexbox and Grid Layouts by using the Layouts Tab in Dev Tools


In Chrome DevTools in the Layouts tab you have handy options to debug CSS Flexbox and Grid. Including:

  • Display size and lines along with labels
  • Changing their attributes
  • Change how overlay is colored and fastly switch nested elements in the Elements panel

This guide will only cover some example gif recordings on how to use with Grid, since it's basically straight forward to apply this for Flexbox by yourself afterwards.

For this purpose a the link to documentation and a simple code pen have been added...