Event delegation (without jQuery)

Event delegation is a pattern where a container element has a single event listener that handles events for all descendants that match a CSS selector.

This pattern was popularized by jQuery that lets you do this:

$('.container').on('click', '.message', function(event) {
  console.log("A message element was clicked!")

This technique has some advantages:

  1. When you have many descendants, you save time by only registering a single listener.
  2. When the descendants are changed dynamic...

Capybara can find links and fields by their [aria-label]

Sometimes a link or input field has no visible label. E.g. a text field with a magnifying glass icon πŸ”Ž and a "Search" button does not really need a visible label "Query".

For accessibility reasons it is good practice to give such a field an [aria-label] attribute:

<input type="search" aria-label="Search contacts">

This way, when a visually impaired user focuses the field, the screen reader will speak the label text ("Search contacts").


Without an `[aria-...

Git shortcut to fixup a recent commit

git --fixup is very handy to amend a change to a previous commit. You can then autosquash your commits with git rebase -i --autosquash and git will do the magic for you and bring them in the right order. However, as git --fixup wants a ref to another commit, it is quite annoying to use since you always have to look up the sha of the commit you want to amend first.

Inspired by the [shortcut to checkout recent branches with fzf](https://makandracards.com/makandra/505126-g...

Rails: Removing the cucumber-rails warning when setting cache_classes to false without Spring enabled

We are using Spring in our tests for sequential test execution but not for parallel test execution. And Rails requires you to set the config.cache_classes = false if you are using Spring in tests.

With our setup, this would raise the following error in cucumber-rails for parallel test executions due to some legacy database cleaner issue.

WARNING: You have set Rails' config.cache_classes to false
    (Spring needs cache_classes set to false). This is known to cause probl...

You should probably load your JavaScript with <script defer>

It is generally discouraged to load your JavaScript by a <script src> tag in the <head>:

  <script src="app.js"></script>

The reason is that a <script src> tag will pause the DOM parser until the script has loaded and executed. This will delay the browser's first contentful paint.

A much better default is to load your scripts with a <script src defer> tag:

  <script src="app.js" defer></script>

A deferred script has many useful properties:

  • I...

Using multiple MySQL versions on the same linux machine using docker

We had a card that described how to install multiple mysql versions using mysql-sandbox. Nowadays with the wide adoption of docker it might be easier to use a MySQL docker image for this purpose.

Create a new mysql instance

docker run --name projectname_db -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret -p "33008:3306" -d --restart unless-stopped mysql:5.7

The port 33008 is a freely chosen free port on the host machine that will be used to establish a con...

NVM: How to automatically switch version when changing directories

The Node Version Manager allows installing multiple NodeJS versions and switching between them.
By default, it does not automatically switch versions when entering a directory that holds a .nvmrc file.

The project's readme document offers a bash function which calls nvm use after each cd. In fact, it replaces cd in your bash.

I did not want to do that, but instead use the $PROMPT_COMMAND feature. So here is my take on it.
Note that it is much shorter, it probably does a f...

Accessing JavaScript objects from Capybara/Selenium

When testing JavaScript functionality in Selenium (E2E), you may need to access a class or function inside of a evaluate_script block in one of your steps. Capybara may only access definitions that are attached to the browser (over the window object that acts as the base). That means that once you are exporting your definition(s) in Webpacker, these won't be available in your tests (and neither in the dev console). The following principles/concepts also apply to Sprockets.

Say we have a StreetMap class:

// street_map.js
class S...

Heads up: Byebug has problems with zeitwerk

I encountered a unlucky behavior of byebug 11.1.3 (the most recent version at time of writing) when using it with Rails 6 and it's new autoloading component, zeitwerk. There already is a issue for that, so I hope it will be fixed with a future release.

The following test succeeds:

  context 'factories' do
    let(:test_case) { FactoryBot.create(:test_case) }
    it 'are valid' do
      expect(test_case).to be_valid

But when I did the same in byebug the foll...

How to use ActiveSupport Concerns with dynamic relations

The usual way to build a relation in a ActiveSupport::Concern is this:

module MyModule
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    scope :disabled, -> { where(disabled: true) }


However, if you have a association with a polymorphic model, where you have to select based on the kind of record, using included like this will not produce the wanted results:

module MyModule
  extend ActiveSupport::Concern

  included do
    has_many :tasks,

Carrierwave: Using a nested directory structure for file system performance

When storing files for lots of records in the server's file system, Carrierwave's default store_dir approach may cause issues, because some directories will hold too many entries.

The default storage directory from the Carrierwave templates looks like so:

class ExampleUploader < CarrierWave::Uploader::Base
  def store_dir

If you store files for 500k records, that store_dir's parent directory will have 500k sub-directories which will cause some...

Carrierwave: How to remove container directories when deleting a record

When deleting a record in your Rails app, Carrierwave automatically takes care of removing all associated files.
However, the file's container directory will not be removed automatically. If you delete records regularly, this may be an annoyance.

Here is a solution which was adapted from the Carrierwave GitHub wiki and cleans up any empty parent directories it can find.

class ExampleUploader < CarrierWave...

Delivering Carrierwave attachments to authorized users only


To attach files to your records, you will need a new database column representing the filename of the file. To do this, add a new migration (rails g migration <name>) with the following content:

class AddAttachmentToNotes < ActiveRecord::Migration[6.0]
  def change
    add_column :notes, :attachment, :string

Don't forget to rename the class and change the column details to fit your purpose. Run it.

1) Deliver attachments through Rails

The first way is to store your Carrierwave attachments not ...

Capybara: Preventing server errors from failing your test

When your Rails application server raises error, Capybara will fail your test when it clears the session after the last step. The effect is a test that passes all steps, but fails anyway.

Capybara's behavior will help you to detect and fix errors in your application code. However, sometimes your application will explode with an error outside your control. Two examples:

  • A JavaScript library references a source map in its build, but forgets to package the source map
  • CarrierWave cleans up an upload or cache file after the record was delet...

CarrierWave: Default Configuration and Suggested Changes

CarrierWave comes with a set of default configuration options which make sense in most cases. However, you should review these defaults and adjust for your project wherever necessary.

You will also find suggestions on what to change below.

Understanding the default configuration

Here is the current default config for version 2:

config.permissions = 0644
config.directory_permissions = 0755
config.storage_engines = {

Regular Expressions: Quantifier modes

When you repeat a subpattern with a *, + or {...} operator, you may choose between greedy, lazy and possessive modes.

Switching modes may affect the result and performance of your regular expressions. In the worst case, an ill-suited mode may make your regular expression so slow that it can DoS your application (Examples are the ActiveRecord's PostgreSQL CVE-2021-22880 or the [Cloudflare outage 2019](https://makandracards.com/makandra/77515-regular-expressions-excessive-backtracking...

ActiveType #change_association: Define { autosave: true } on parent models

Consider the following models and form models:

class Parent < ApplicationRecord
  has_many :children, class_name: 'Child', foreign_key: 'parent_id'

class Parent::AsForm < ActiveType::Record[Parent]
  change_association :children, class_name: 'Child::AsForm', foreign_key: 'parent_id', autosave: true, inverse_of: :parent

  accepts_nested_attributes_for :children
  validates_associated :children
class Child < ApplicationRecord
  belongs_to :parent, inverse_of: :children

class Child::AsForm < ActiveType::Reco...

DNS debug tools

There are several tools for DNS debugging which offer you more or less information. Most of the time the more simple ones, like host oder nslookup will be sufficient.


simple DNS lookup utility.

>host heise.de
heise.de has address
heise.de has IPv6 address 2a02:2e0:3fe:1001:302::
heise.de mail is handled by 10 relay.heise.de.


query Internet domain name servers. Nslookup has two modes: interactive and non-interactive.

>nslookup heise.de

Using the Truemail gem to validate e-mail addresses

The Truemail gem (not to be confused with truemail.io) allows validating email addresses, e.g. when users enter them into a sign-up form. It runs inside your application and does not depend on an external SaaS service.

Truemail supports different validation "layers":

  1. Regex validation: if the given address is syntactically valid
  2. DNS validation (called MX validation): if the given domain exists and can receive email
  3. SMTP validation: connects to the host received from DNS and starts a test d...

Transporting blank values in URL queries

URLs can transport key/value pairs ("parameters") using this syntax:


If the value is blank, mind these subtle differences:

URL Meaning
/path?foo= Parameters have a key foo. Its value is an empty string.
/path?foo Parameters have a key foo. Its value is null.
/path Parameters have no key foo.